
Why do you liberals always have to bring Trump into everything?

I guess he’s never heard the phrase “Don’t shoot the Messinger.”

Why don’t you ask the people in Michigan and Texas. Because, at Penn State, there were NO Sandusky victims notifying the school that there was a problem. Then, the police cleared him in ‘98, when a mother questioned his showering with her son. Even in ‘01 there was no victim coming forward. Only a GA saying he thought

Because when people do something wrong, you fire and prosecute them. The “program” doesn’t do anything, the people in it do. And all those people are fired/on trial if they didn’t meet their legal obligations. The kids did nothing wrong, why punish them?

This is a tired take. 

Beat me to it.

Some owners are carrot guys, but Dan Snyder is a stick guy. 

That’s quite the switch for AP.

It’s a great machine for that type of goal. I’m really enjoying a lot of indies on Switch that I probably wouldn’t have made time for on one of the big brother consoles. A real favorite of mine is Darkest Dungeon (but it’s not for everyone). this bomb from Mahomes to Tyreek Hill, over the top of triple coverage for a 69-yard touchdown.

so let me see if I understand this... if it turns out that we elected someone that used to be the Grand Duke of the KKK but had resigned before being president then that would be OK?

This is a good idea. All Cleveland Browns players should use an alias.

I will say this. The greatest contribution Philip Rivers did as a QB and as a human being is be a real life version of animated Megaman

You misspelled Alabama

That’s the MO for Switch releases. Charge the same or more for old content while having little in the way of current AAA support. Nintendo did a good job of making a device that plays dated content and they are raking in the cash from it. As a bonus, Nintendo has a fan base that will bite the head off anyone who tries

I gotta say, it’s pretty fucking ballsy for Blizz to release a game this old for full price. I loved D3, but the full downloadable content has been available for a LONG time, and this version isn’t bringing anything new to the table beyond portability. For god’s sake, they should have started working on D4 by this

So we also have to watch an ad before the video then watch the entire 10 minute video without some sort of recap at the end showing all the games quickly or just a list somewhere? Are you sure you meant to post this to kotaku and not youtube?

So we have to watch the video to see the list, you couldn't have just put it in the article? 

A “beaning” is hitting him in the head (his “bean”).