That’s something I didn’t really need to see today.
That’s something I didn’t really need to see today.
Hard to forget the most Irish-centric Le Mans of all, with David Kennedy, Derek Daly and Michael Roe all flying the tricolour, as well as John Watson, Kenny Acheson and Martin Donnelly from up North!
It looks trashy. Both the trailer and the mailbox.
That makes more sense, as it probably helps with aero a bit too (for both the vehicle and trailer) but then if he hauls with that, you’d also think he’d have the means to store the trailer with it.
Well, it depends on the color. If you were to paint your house neon yellow and add an orange roof, I think it would be very reasonable to ask them to change the color. Much like it’s reasonable to ask someone not to park their ridiculously large, extremely distracting trailer in their tiny driveway. Especially when it…
A 25' stacker trailer is hardly innocuous and certainly not inexpensive. Why not choose to be a good neighbor and store the trailer at a proper facility? If you want to take a stand on you “rights” there are certainly much better choices out there than a trailer in the driveway.
Are we not talking about how this guy’s name is fucking Mark Panther? That’s some 80's WWE shit or B-movie action flick stuff right there. Is that trailer really a mobile crime-fighting rig? Did he change his name to Mark Panther? We need answers.
Every single person commenting on this thread who doesn’t understand why this guy is an asshole must not own property.
Did you see the size of it? It’s taller then his HOUSE! Read the post above this and understand that “normal” people, not assholes, utilize storage lots for large trailers/campers because they are obtrusive to the neighborhood.
Theres 65 people that signed the list. Its an eyesore man. Its not an isocolated case. I really truly think youre not comprehending the size of this thing.
Its an eyesore, its inconsiderate and it should go.
If I lived next door this trailer would drive me nuts too. It’s obnoxious
I really dont think youre grasping how large this thing is. And if its a race trailer then its on his property more than its off it. Theres no reason to park such a massive thing there so permanetly.
I would agree if it was a work truck or trailer 100%. They get used often/daily. But this is massive, doesnt move the…
Parking the trailer there? Entirely within his rights. Inconsiderate? Maybe.
True, but there’s something to be said about what’s considered acceptable in the local area. If many of your neighbors have a Winnebago, boat or a trailer in their yard, who gives a fuck. Park your trailer on your drive. For details, go and visit your community’s local “lake country.” But if you live in a neighborhood…
Why should he have to pay to store it some place else, when it’s probably orders of magnitude easier and cheaper to do so at his house?
First, this is hilarious. Well done, Mr. Panther.
Glorious is the trailer for racing. But, innocuous, it is not. Imagine trying to sell your house next-door. It’s like having your mom with you on a date. Don’t abondon her, but she needs to go...