
Apologies, it was ambiguous. I meant “Preserving commercial game releases”, rather than “game preservation that is commercial in nature”.

These two topics are fundamentally different. Community outreach is not a waste of money. This is. You even included the part where I expressed my distaste for the DNA database, so your pithy quip doesn’t make sense.

What an incredible waste of publicly-funded resources.

I doubt there’s any SNES ROMs that were available 15 years ago that aren’t still available online now, to be honest. Commercial game preservation for all the main cartridge-based systems has long since been achieved.

as you make these things better, the energy required to make them goes up, because you have to put more and more transistors onto semiconductors

Minor snipes aside, do you think it’s good literature? Or just enjoyable trash? I feel like I see a fair bit of both, and I can only reconcile one.

TLOU2 is so buggy I’m not surprised.

I’m guessing this is one of those occasions where from the surface the response might seem a little knee-jerk, but if you peek into what it had become in that community I could imagine it being pretty horrendous. The post doesn’t really dip into that, which is a shame.

That’s fascinating and really adds to the article, thanks man.

I can’t speak to why people like FFX, I didn’t play much and remember even less, but I do remember FFVIII striking me as having awful characters even by JRPG standards. Which situated them somewhere between “nails on a chalkboard” and “a very bad trip to the dentist”.

It’s just a joke mate.

With a full Linux install you effectively have a PC so you can just bypass that with the right software, run Steam and play PC games. The people most upset by it, I reiterate, were the people that were using it for piracy which is why they removed the feature.

There was never any way to run commercial games from PS3 linux, to my knowledge.

There’s a comprehensive semi-autobiographical work split into two books (I think?) called Turning Point. They contain plenty of his musings along with a history of Ghibli. I made it through one of them and it was excellent, but a bit more than I needed, really.

To be honest I’m probably going back to a 27" next time, for documents and work stuff I sometimes find it takes up a bit too much of field of view (I sometimes miss important things on the periphery if I’m staring at the left or right edge of the screen). I can only move it so far back because of my desk layout.

I’ve been disappointed with the Elite controller too. First V1 I had rapidly developed drift issues and sticky buttons. Second one (a V2) had a sticky A button so I sent it back, and lo and behold, the brand new replacement has the same issue. Also, the sticks sometimes flick backwards and register, e.g. a left press

See, that’s more productive reasoning. I’d welcome that kind of data too. I just think the hateful tone of this kind of article does absolutely nothing but reinforce existing divisions and stoke the flames between the police and the community. Shutting down discourse in this manner effectively makes it impossible for

Just pull out the gun and start blasting, gotcha. That’ll solve all of life’s problems.

Your cynicism is noted. If the DNA thing was removed, would you consider this a positive or negative project?

Indeed. Cops are bastards until you need one.