Al B Sureneko
  • Ollie set up a call between Ray Allen and a recruit on his assistant’s phone. This is technically a no-no because Allen, who played at UConn, is not considered a former player by the NCAA. According to them, he’s a booster, and boosters can’t talk to recruits.

he’s been asked to do it many times and declined. His body, his choice.

IDK. Democrats seem to be doing a great job of that themselves without Splinter’s help

no. It’s not.

“I’ll tell you when it’s okay to be honest - like when it benefits me!”

and why is this the first ive been reading about how much of this same stuff has been going on for over 20 years?

nah, it’s not what they’re saying at all

“Only be honest and self-aware if it benefits you”

thank you

The Left has always been able to criticize itself

so you didn’t read the post. Okay.

I think you’re ignoring the hate speech of the people you like...

there’s a couple writers that will ban you the very second you give them fair criticism. Doesn’t have to be vulgar or crude. Criticize them and you’re out.

Twitter continues to give a platform to a man who will threaten, harass, and demean people who don’t agree with him, using racist language at that.

instead of being worried about the implications it’s death had on free speech

which one gets more clicks on a given day? They’ll choose that one

wow you’re so brave

First off, the SF location is okay. Not great, not a meal I’d think about again, and I’m not sure deserving of a franchise out, but whatever.


actually they’ve deleted a fuckton of Nazi and neo-Nazi accounts in the past six months. Never let facts get in the way of a good story though.