
Sad indeed

Really guy, really. Its free and it is in response to a tragic incident. I know EA is usually a cross between hitler,satan and miley cyrus, but come on. I dont think the marketing team used this to gain any sales on a game that is already crushing it world wide. Man, I thought I was the most cynical person in the

Of course they do. That does not make this a bad thing.

I don’t love any of them. As a person who ran away from a fundamentalist (but mainstream) church in my 30s, I consider religion dubious at best. Think for yourselves, folks.

...a small, inexpensive and heartwarming action. No attempts at monetizing it or hyping it up, just a simple sign of respect and support in the wake of a relevant tragedy.

Now playing

My favorite Doc Rivers moment ever. He and Kevin Johnson had been yapping at each other earlier in the game, so KJ hits Doc with a crushing shoulder check to end the half..............and the awesomeness ensues.

To his credit, he wasn’t so pissed as to direct gay slurs at Holtkamp.

...”Appears to be a family bursting at the seams with wholesomeness.” Appears? I am so sick of faithful Christians being skewered on the shish kabob of political correctness. Where is the outrage among liberals and feminazis over Islam -a religion that promotes mutilatioof female genitalia, enslavement of “wives”,

Jeez don’t they know? Someone snakes your spot let them have it and then key the shit out of it and deflate the tires when they are in the store. Ramming, that’s just crazy.

Actually, no, let’s “rag” on megachurches. They fucking suck. They are contributing to the downfall of America as we know it.

Why is it OK to have an opinion or belief until someone disagrees with it? Im not gay nor do I have a problem with same sex marriage. However I’m so tired of people blasting someone else’s opinion... Or taking one thing you MAY think you know about someone and putting them down in turn. This doesn’t make you the

I’d still be willing to move to Waco and have them do a house for my wife and I. Just with a little less country style...

It’s a test, obviously.

Public transportation is already overrun with these kinds of people. They need to be walkin...

Not surprised given some of the subtle signals about faith that the couple give out during the show.

So what? They’re in Waco. Just let them be great.

I find it amazing that most people do not think further ahead in life than 5 minutes. So now you will be going to jail over someone you didn’t even know 5 minutes ago, you will also pay all kinds of money and possibly not drive again for years. sounds logical to me!

Here’s two people that need to take the bus for the rest of their lives.

spouse: how was your day honey?

spose2: It was fine, sweetie, i went to the mall and did about 2K of damage to our credit cards... picked up a few things for your mom and the kids

But parking was just awful. I did about 60K in damage ramming our new car into another one and they still took forecver to move.

Oh yeah, you