
"Waiter's friend"?? No, that's a "captain's knife," if you please.

Psssst, dirty little secret here; NONE of these programs were "invented" by M$. "Developed"? Yes, sort of...and all of them working in separate rooms, apparently.

$220,000.00 will buy a buttload of lube and Kleenex. Louis, you're set for life!

In the subway, on the other hand, it's pure ANARCHY. Never wait for people to get off the train, run on as soon as the doors open! And if someone is already waiting, just step right in front of them, as if they are invisible. I love this town...mostly.

Why thank you, Mr. Prosecutor. Should we even bother with this whole messy "trial" thing, or should we just take him out back and shoot him?

Calls for a George Carlin quote (in re: the Viet Nam war): "Pull out?!? Doesn't sound manly to me...let's leave it in there, and get the job done!"

I agree. And your wish is my command...the gentleman in question will soon be getting an inside view of the criminal justice system. This is truly one of the most horrific crimes I have read about, and I have seen some doozies.

"They can put a man on the Moon, but they can't keep toast from landing on the buttered side!"

I have bought a couple of those at Bed, Bath and Beyond. They are pretty good, actually.

Kudos for the SP reference. That episode was probably one of the top 10 from last season. That Randy Marsh...what a scamp.

I have not "horded" my music...I did once consider "alliancing" my collection however.* (I believe the spelling you were looking for was "hoard.") Just sayin'...

I predict this will not end well, for either Boston or Valentine. And. I. Can't. Wait.

The Stranger: "There's just one thing, Dude, do you have to use so many cuss words?"

As insufferable as she can be, I'm starting to feel a little sorry for Erin Andrews. She seems to be a perv magnet.

This story is just crying for one of these! Careful, it gets kind of hot.

That's pretty much my solution to the problem. Thank you for letting me know that I'm not the only one who does it this way. It does leave me with a guilty feeling, but that goes away after a while, too.

Check the App store/iTunes for updates. I was going to upgrade last night, but before I did, there were at least 11 apps to be upgraded, Stanza included. Needless to say, the iOS download failed, but I'm actually thinking of holding off until version 5.1 is released. I really, really want to get the features, but it

Security. All BB messages are encrypted both ways (I am oversimplifying, I know.) That's why our place uses them, anyhow. We are moving to allow iPhones and iPads now, but it will be a while before we get rid of BBs.

But Oceania has ALWAYS been at war with Eastasia!

I am quite certain Ms. Brzezinski can comfort herself by crying into her gold-plated pillows and lazily going over the balance in her checking account. Also, too, I fail to see the man with the gun pointed at her head, forcing her to show up for work every day.