
Terrible news. I saw him at "Carolines" many years ago, and left their weeping because he was so damned funny. R.I.P. Kevin…

It's "kowtow" with a "k" and Eichhorst with double "t". Spelling is still important, people! Nice writeup, and I am still enjoying this show. The fight scene was pretty epic; I would imagine Quinlan and the Ancients will survive something as trivial as a bomb, unless it was coated in silver. Guess I'll have to wait

"Jean art; it's just what it sounds like." Hilarious, plus I agree 100% on the Hamm cameo/J. Jones' reaction. Great stuff.

The correct spelling of the word is "buttocks." No "x." Other than that, a fine article, and a hilarious episode. Only Frank Constanza's lawyer rocked a cape better than Ms. Graham.

I putta you bells in a sling!

This reminded me of a much later episode featuring the Model U.N. ("Lisa the Drama Queen", Season 20) where Martin, representing Belgium, replies to a question from Marge "To the extent you can trust the word of a Belgian, yes!"

Wow. Did you ever watch a movie trailer and instantly realize what a horrible picture it's going to be? I predict a true stinker…maybe, just maybe "Showgirls" bad. And young Ms. Dakota is about as good an actress as one would expect; not very.