
Am I the first to come up with Keatonaissance? Surely I am. Unfortunately the McConaissance has now entered it's Mannerist phase, so I'm glad that something is taking it's place.

Oh, it's that Crash, not the Crash I think of by default. I'd rather think of this movie as having just enough of the other Crash.

Playing Austin and Denton but not Waxahatchee? Come on, Waxahatchee. Waxahatchee is on the way there!


Occupé. Occupé. Occupé. Occupé. Occupé. Occupé. Occupé. Occupé. Occupé. Occupé. Occupé. Occupé. Occupé. Occupé. Occupé. Occupé.

I was so hot to see Spanking The Monkey when it came out because incest, then saw it and eh… Not the best Alexander Payne.

You know what's going to shrink the prospects for this movie being successful? ***MATT DAMON*** IT WILL BE A SUCK MOVIE AND A TOTAL FAILURE. Why can't Hollywood figure out that any movie with Matt Damon is going to be a total failure? Come on, people!

You sure that header picture above is not New Hampshire era Walter White?

One of my favorite physical gags in Breaking Bad was the horrible noises everyone's terrible cars made when doors opened/closed, windows were rolled up/down, bumps were hit, etc. Seems this gag will continue into BCS listening to Saul's beater's fanbelt squeaking.

I mean, who wouldn't want to tie up and torture Ellen Page? It's entirely understandable.

Old broads gotta make a living somehow, right?

CTRL+F > 'That's Not Funny' - 'Phrase Not Found". Come on, man!


"Who is Billy Bragg?" said Taylor Swift, "And how many divisions has he got?"

Michael Ealy doesn't quite jump the uncanny valley (as an actor) for me. Total suspension of belief whenever he appears.

He played the bear in White Bear. Oh, sorry! Spoiler Alert.

GOLDEN GIRLS Reunite - now THAT would be news.

Which side are you on?

Since Matt Damon isn't in this movie to fuck it up it might be good.