Not only can I cut a watermelon and sharpen a pencil, but I can use a sharpened pencil to mark a watermelon so I cut it precisely! Hire me, Studio Ghibli!
Not only can I cut a watermelon and sharpen a pencil, but I can use a sharpened pencil to mark a watermelon so I cut it precisely! Hire me, Studio Ghibli!
Last Christmas my local used game store had Digimon World 3 for 9.99 (and Megaman Legends for 19.99), I usually would say "oh, don't have the money will get it next time" but I totally did not wait. I have fond memories on the Digimon World games, the DS ones are good but so rare and expensive now it is ridiculous.
I've actually got Digimon World 2 on PS1. IMO it's the best Digimon game, but even so it's poorly designed and borderline broken in some areas. You gotta go back into town in order to Digivolve, you have to DNA-digivolve to go beyond a creature's level cap (so you basically lose a digimon in exchange for 3 or 4 more…
Basically finished capping all three classes in two days. The game is THAT addictive. I want MORE MORE MORE.
I don't like changing the name of characters that are already a predefined "character". Link, Ryu from Breath of Fire, Tidus, I can't change the name of because it's weird. They have a life and stuff that's not mine, so why should I change their name to mine?
Yes, play the first one. It's awesome. And from what I hear, the second one is even better!
Let's make this happen.
there is a reasonable chance he's played it already, no reason not to form opinions
Adrian Meribault is a freelance artist who teaches through Cultura, and has worked in both video games and tabletop…
Mario galaxy 3 or sunshine 2
Happy Wednesday and happy day two of Kinja Deals. We'll be updating all day so check back often, and as always, we'd…
Oh lerd. I hope my local Best Buy doesn't look like this tomorrow.
Unless the Wii U version is also delayed accordingly. :P
I beat Mirror's Edge without firing a weapon, fantastic game ... nice trophy to get too. It was so tempting when I disarmed the sniper near the end-game ... so I fired off a few shots, then reloaded the save :-).
I honestly don't know what else Sony is going to pull from under the rug to make this even more one-sided than it already is against MS.
Super Ultra Dead Rising 3 Arcade Remix Hyper Edition EX Plus Alpha, the DLC for Dead Rising 3. Boy, that's a…
I'll just echo a few: