Superhot rules.
Superhot rules.
I’m seeing all the complaints and I think they’re valid, but uh... I still kinda love these controllers. I am curious to see if they could have swapped the d-pads for slider pads like on the 3DS, but still... I love ‘em.
This is a really cool feature that I didn’t know about! I kinda wish you had included an example or two so we could see exactly how it works, comparing the original text to the altered misdirection. But I’m going to be playing this huge demo anyway, so nothing beats firsthand experience. I am ready to suffer.
And aren't they changing the beginning of the game to match the new cinematic? Like, less "waking up on a ship with an AI" and more people/planet
Strawberry-rhubarb pie would like to disagree, heavily.
TBH, OoT ending was a tear-jerker. I have never felt so sad when Link became a child again. And then you have Taylor Davis and her violin remaking some of OoT, just hauntingly awesome music.
Yep, that’s it exactly!
My Googlefu has failed me, but this greatly reminds me of the Windwaker/Four Swords Link “song”
What about Star Wars Jedi Academy? Muffin was freaking hilarious there, losing control and saying bad words lol
Also, the two games that BBF ran were a great time, he was funny too
Honestly I want a FF6 remake in the FF14 graphical style, best part of that is most of the assets are already there.
Not necessarily, we got the stupidly cute and rather brilliant World of Final Fantasy... which was definitely the best FF game released last year.
Golf isn’t exactly the most compelling sport for a videogame in the first place
I miss .hack too. So many good memories.
CC2, this post has me super bummed we never got another .hack series. the //GU series was amazing, and I always liked how .hack included multiple forms of media for a full story that isn’t needed for each part but combines cohesively really well.
If I can name my golfer Shooter McGavin, they’ve got a day one customer.
Now let’s talk about how adorable Lavenza is.
We need a new NBA Street. Those games nailed the formula of arcade basketball
fuck, you always forget one game. let’s imagine it’s on there.