
So I’m a guy who played a female character in ffxiv because I’ll take being a cute lizard girl over a giant lizard boi any day. The first time someone gave me some items I didn’t really think of it because I was new, and they let me on my way afterwards. A few months later though I was stuck waiting around to be able

The MGS and Silent Hill runs were both hilarious. I highly recommend watching them, as iirc they’re fairly short (maybe 3 hours between the two?) I could possibly just have the sense of humor of a child but watching how awful the pc port of mgs is, and the overall sense of humor of the silent Hill runner, they’re

Not sure if picture comments work on mobile so hopefully this works..

It was a beautiful monster.

Not that I’m /really/ complaining, but I came to find one or two series to start, and I leave with five?

I love how we, as humans, (I assume human. You could be some sort of domesticated short-hair in which case I apologize), would much rather get an obscure book/piece of cardboard/etc, to stick under a wobbly chair instead of getting a new chair. Better yet, we can feel that way, and other people understand it. I’m sure

Sorry if I missed this in the text, I’m having trouble reading and feel like I have a major case of the Mondays (on a Wednesday, go figure).
Are the controller ports the same as the regular SNES? Or are they special SNES Classic only ports?

Only just now seeing this a month later.. I actually can’t stand monopoly haha. Thanks for comparing it so frankly, that really does help. :D

There’s a hysterical theory about waluigi that pretty much talks about how (since waluigi was thrown in for tennis 64), waluigi just met Wario somehow and one day Wario was like “hey I’ve got this weird rival that invites me to parties and sports it’s actually pretty fun” so every game waluigi is in, Wario basically

Hahaha. Next time i hold a child I might have to “yeosh” one out for old times sake. I totally forgot about those awful/hilarious sounds they made in SA2

Hey! If anything, this might mean that an official Chao game is just around the corner!

There’s something magical about this trailer.

I’m looking forward to their hit singles squidy boom boom and slug brain

I don’t have much to contribute, I’m just here to say that squid Twitter would probably be called squiddr in order to stay fresh

I’ve just been doing fates in Northern thanalan today as red mage. Realizing now as I’m saying this that the faster way would be to head into heavensward territory for fates... Darn it haha.

Golf games rarely get better than Hot Shots Golf. Though the gba and gamecube Mario golf were excellent.


I’ll never forget Peggle 2.

I still regularly listen to that Senses Fail album and I’m not sure if I should feel attacked....

With a name like Wiseman I’d hope so :P