Normal maps? We're already doing that :P
Normal maps? We're already doing that :P
Fun Fact: Chrono Trigger started its development as a game in the Secret of Mana series.
Jesus, all I needed to see was the GIF up top. I'm sold on this.
Because the Dreamcast was an awesome system and why not make more games for it? Simple as that, really.
I approve of this dude's name! :D
Elysian Shadows developer here, I approve of your name!
Totally agree with you there. We weren't trying to just give it a facelift graphically and call it a day. We've introduced platforming, action, and survival-horror mechanics into the mix along with environmental interaction through a full-fledged rigid body physics engine. We really are trying to innovate gameplay as…
Why you so mad bro
This game doesn't have a level cap, does it?
I just wanna let you know how much I, as a consumer, appreciate y'all developers coming on here and communicating little things like this. It makes me really happy to see interaction like this.
Thank you for the compliment on our art style! In a single sentence, combat can be best described as "God of War meets Secret of Mana, with all of the complexities of classes and abilities akin to Final Fantasy Tactics or Dragon Quest 7." Also don't forget, with our fully 3D physics engine, running out of mana or…
They have slimes for enemies. Slimes!!! Are they trying to take me back to a nostalgia trip back to Hydlide!
Loving the way it looks indeed...hopefully they reach the Wii U/Ps4 stretch goal...since they're basically indie machines by now haha.
Trust me, as many fans there are of the classic Sega Dreamcast (of which I am one), you WON'T be the only one who plays it there.
From a graphical and artstyle point the game looks incredibly good. But if it does not play any different than Chrono trigger or Secret of Mana I don't think it's enough to keep me into that game.
This pleases me greatly. I wish nothing but the best for you and the rest of the team. Looks fantastic.
Of our $150k on Kickstarter, the vast majority of our sales have been for the Sega Dreamcast. ;)
I'm the lead engine developer. I honestly didn't do it for any kind of political agenda or to make any kind of statement. I did it because the Sega Dreamcast was my favorite console growing up, and I literally taught myself how to code C and C++ just to develop games for it. It launched my engineering and game…
Standing out in a crowded sea of retro-style indie games is no easy task, but 16-bit RPG Elysian Shadows caught my…