
Jerk? Or hero who saved us from Skynet?

That's considered a formal greeting in Philly (some folks just shake hands, pfft) Perfectly normal. Regular people don't fall all apart, though. Come back with a tougher robot if you plan on visiting the city of brotherly love, bitches.

I was at a bar not-watching this, but that was the exact moment I put down my phone and paid attention.

“ I’m not saying I’m the Taylor Swift of boxing, but I’m not not saying I’m the Taylor Swift of boxing”


ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh SHINY!!!

Hysterical women? Throw the boot at ‘em. Hysterical coppers? Not so much.


Worst part for me? Thor and Stark arguing over who’s offscreen love interest was better.

Now playing

Has anyone seen a black lady with an onscreen speaking part in a Marvel movie?

Technically, Thanos had the Tesseract. But like the Comcast / Time Warner merger, nothing is a sure thing until it is in hand. Screwing with the Avengers is like screwing with the Justice Dept or the IRS. Just don’t go there unless you want to fight of your life.

Honest to goodness his entire performance in this film makes me think he enjoys being Timothy Dalton almost too much. He is so obviously having a blast.

Definitely one of my top 10 (maybe even top 5!) favorite comedies of all time. The dialogue is insanely clever, layered, and hilarious. The storyline’s major “twist” is ridiculously funny in its simplicity (seriously, the true motivation of the secret society is such a brilliant turn from the intricate set up leading

Yes. Yes, it is a goddamn masterpiece. I prefer it over Shaun due to the secondary characters, unexpected grisly violence, and acknowledgement of the importance of Point Break and Bad Boys 2.

Who you calling lumpy?

"You win THIS round, Cannizzaro." — Manish Mehta

Manish Mehta and the NYDailynews creating non-troversies had made it nearly impossible to be topped by another beat writer...congrats Canizzarro on topping Mehta. Seriously, what a clown. Joke

As a Jets fan, Mr. Cannizzaro, I can wholeheartedly say- Dick move.