Please don't ever change
Please don't ever change
Don’t let a black athlete get hurt, either. It’s amazing how we’re accused of being unstoppable and unmovable, all to justify a killing of a regular human being.
Cracked did a real depressing article on that exact topic not long ago. sigh
Let me get this straight, Black people rioting in their neighborhoods because their grievances about life and death situations is dumb because those businesses won’t come back; but white people rioting for trivial reasons is okay because there’s never a shortage of businesses that will invest in white communities.
Stephen A. Smith is not ignorant.
Yeah, I mean, my blood was boiling after only a couple paragraphs.
To be fair, he probably stole that from Marvin Gaye.
While Pharrell is in his sheltered bubble talking about being a New Black, our folks are over here being subjected to New Lynchings, New Jim Crow and now New Slavery.
Former Jerry Springer producer Jill Blackstone was arrested for murder in Los Angeles on Monday after she called…
Wasn't he shot by a hooker? Am I missing the mystery?
Go read the excellent top comment on this post by GertrudeFrances. I think you're feeling how you're supposed to feel as a "white" (still, NOT Black) person. Roll around in it for a while. Feeling it is the first step.
I've seen people go from Kendrick to Don within a matter of years. Kanye is a perfect example. We don't know for sure how he's going to turn out but for now he's okay. I can understand being concerned with gang violence within black communities, but the idea that people will start respecting us once we respect…
If you have to ask you must not be Black.
I love this comment! The fact that you acknowledge this is in itself a piece of awareness light years beyond many folk; but the elements of your awareness are the making of proper discussion!
I agree 100%. I think that it's almost impossible to feel a sense of detachment listening to this album as a white person. That's part of why it's so good. I can't necessarily understand it fully because I haven't lived it, but it's impossible to not be drawn into it and confronted/engaged by it.
You seem very insecure. Here is a tear for you 💧
I've thought a lot about what it means to be a not-black fan of this work and of Kendrick. Which speaks volumes of what it's capable of maybe. To me it feels like a much deserved and needed confrontation, and like experiencing an alien culture in a pretty uncomfortable way - being shown very clearly that there's a…