
Yes, black men are afraid of strong women. Somehow you thought that was her standing in her truth. When your truth is racist and you feel the need to run up and defend her, sorry there's only a few ways I can dice that and none of it is pretty.

When one of us is actively excusing a racist piece of shit, I think I'm entitled to throw shit but that's just my opinion. Have fun with your "nuance".

I. Am. Dead.

Aside from the stupidity of Kenya's, isn't Lupita actually from Kenya? I chuckled to myself a lil bit.

It's OK, she probably has serious back problems and might eventually develop a liking for muscle relaxants or opioids.

You got it to give it to this woman-hating piece of shit, his explanation for her bruises have colour. The part that wouldn't surprise me is that he gets no jail time for this at all. We all know how much the law values the dignity of the woman.

They all got rich, and we got nothing."

It's not much that it's a "gay anthem" but really a "white gay anthem". I don't think most queens of colour really look to Madonna or her past work but then I could be speaking for me and my judies but the only queens I hear (in Toronto) raving about Madonna are the white ones.

That show was whack and freaking ridiculous. I don't understand shows like Selfie and Two Broke Girls that keep presenting this emasculated and sexually repressed Asian person overcome with anxiety about not succeeding.

If someone honestly thinks that ballroom culture would've been better off had "Vogue" and

Who the fuck cares what she did for people who suffer? It's like saying a scammer has redeeming qualities because he donated some of the money he defrauded people out of went to charity. She's a racist lady who's now getting old. Her racism is now crystallizing further in the mind of many black folks (who knew what

Chile, leave this Uncle Ruckus alone. He's got a hardon for excusing white folks' behaviour.

Crushed by what?

what she said was that maybe all the shit they went through was making them angry and that they took it out on women.

And of course, Madonna Ciccone from Bay City, MI (which is pretty white if you care to consult the census) is best placed to understand the black historical experience and is saying these things out of serious concern about the existential fate of the black man in America.

Because I've found that being a strong female is actually more frightening to the black men that I've dated. It took me a really long time to accept that.

Not sure what you're getting at but she said it was because of their culture that they learnt that treating women disrespectfully and badly is A-OK. When you make such claims, especially as a white woman in America, it's safe to say she's a racist. Obviously it didn't bother her that the black queens she was around

How come she doesn't mention how white men have abused her? She chalks up the disrespect she supposedly faced from these black men to their "culture" (whatever that means because she quick to mine black and Latino men's and women's cultures when she was all Vogue) so is her abuse at the hands of a still popular actor

Madonna is a racist piece of shit. Seriously, she is. I hope no people of colour will fuck with her in the future but I guess if she waves the right kind of green around, I'm sure people will do whatever she wants. God I hate the woman and her stupid music. If only I didn't have to hear when I go shake my body out

You need to start recapping The Real Housewives of Cheshire. That shit is another level.