albert mikutis

Philly has it’s PPA run, out of the State capitol? and espoused by it fervent defender and sponsor, PA State Represenatative John Taylor[R] who was recently re-elected after having been in office for 30+ years. Pogo has and will always be correct.

Wondering how many of the Miami protestors supported the Batista regime and it’s Americn big business and Mafia partners. Guessing more than a few. Reminds me of the supporters in Europe of the Right Wing governments prior to WW11. Little difference between those in power in Germany/Italy and Spain.

No greater love.

The term “people” has where I live always been derogatory and applied equally to those of a different color/sex/nationality by those who are “superior”.

Walmart has been attempting to move back manufacturing jobs for the products it sells for more than several years w/scant success. Unless you define $14-17 a hour jobs as well paying, I do not.

Sadly so.

Apparently so.

Good work and from a Nam vet, Thanks

Of course. That is unless the House Un-American Committee comes looking for you with the recently restructured FBI. Be careful.

Regretfully True and it started way before Reagan. Think 1st Japanese autos[Subaru 360]and how the autoworkers/Unions and Big Three laughed. Pogo is well and alive in the “Big Red” and Washington City as well in my home town of Forest Grove

It will for awhile till production shifts to the ZI with of course a largely increased # of robots so that it will use many fewer workers than it did before the Mexican move, further decreasing the possible # of increased jobs so net employment will be DOWN. Bloomberg had a good article on WALMART in its attempt, not