Albert Dutra

Same. Use this a ton for testing.

I do that pretty regularly. :( But definitely a good idea. Thanks for taking a moment to suggest it!

I was hoping to avoid a wipe and reload. lol.

yeah. most major device manufacturers run a skinned version/custom launcher of Android OS. Samsung has always had a clear all option too (came from an S4 a few years ago). But that’s something they’ve baked into their TouchWiz launcher that resided on top of the regular Android OS.

I’ve been on the Beta for about a week now on my Nexus 6. Seems quite a bit more sluggish compared to V6, even though they’re claiming it should increase performance. Checked to see if there was a newer update from the Beta I have, but nothing shows up for me yet.

Typically the site is good (from my experience). So i’d chalk up what you’re experiencing is due to the increased traffic load they seem to be having a tough time keeping up with. :)

I’m guessing they’re using the same data entry points/servers, and the website is pretty hammered, thus I’d assume the mobile apps would be too. :( Lifehacker effect in full force.

The “Maybe” on purchases? Thats when the merchant doesn’t support price matching, but your credit card might. Thus you could contact your CC in order to obtain a price match.

LONG time user here. Love the service, and happy they have an Android App (iOS app has been out for a while). Here’s an article I also wrote that digs into a bit more detail on things, if anyone has further qeustions. :)…

Doh. My work is now available. But no one’s around here after 4:30. My home, a couple miles away, doesn’t fall into the new same day shipping group yet. So close!

Double checked, but no luck. However, I tried it a couple more times and one finally went through.

Same at 6:00pm PDT. :(

I use a similar app, Sleep For Android, coupled with my smartwatch, it wakes me up within a half hour of my set alarm time. When I am NOT in a REM cycle. Which means I’m not as groggy. Been using it for a few years and am quite happy with it as well!

I use a similar app, Sleep For Android, coupled with my smartwatch, it wakes me up within a half hour of my set

Curious how these compare against Every Dollar and Personal Capital. I’ve Mint since darn near the beginning for a 30k foot view of my finances, and also for an indepth view of my side hustle income/expenses come tax time. I didn’t care so much about the specific budgeting. But not sure if it was the way they did it,

Same here....

As long as they don’t get rid of Morgan Freeman’s voice. Love Waze, looking forward to it!

Interesting timing. This just came up in our Daily Coach Casts from my buddy JB @ Another friend in our group has decided to make a difference and lead the group with reporting GOOD NEWS on a daily basis (on whatever social media you want) with the hashtag #ReportTheGood. If anyone would like to also