
Same feeling here. I'd be all over it if it were HTC, mildly interested if it were Samsunug, but I'm utterly uninterested with a Kyocera. I'll wait for reviews and reserve judgement until then, but I don't have much experience with Kyocera up to this point. In fact, I don't recall seeing their phones sold outside

@freedomweasel: Does it need to be anything BUT a reflex at this point, really?

In other news: "The hotter your mom is, the more likely she'll let you play video games." News at 7.

@Irving94: I don't get all the hate. What would you prefer? A grid of icons and no status bar?

Change it to a switchable parallax display and I'm sold.

@DennyCraneDennyCraneDennyCrane: I live in Chicago... what is this "hurricane" and "humidity" you speak of... I'm aware of the exotic state of weather which destroys property and lives, also called "typhoon"...

@UltimateFlank: If I were in his place, I would have just Run Through The Jungle.

@Hello Mister Walrus: All they have to do is include one of those 3-prong to 2-prong adapters you see sometimes used with Christmas lights and such, and this thing might actually be worth the $15, and won't require anything else to have to be plugged in.

@mruler360: I can understand that, but there seems to be a fundamental difference between Android updates and iOS updates.

Maybe he's just schizophrenic and is laying around somewhere looking like a homeless guy now.

@MisterHister: According to [] the average global temperature in 2010 was "0.62°C (1.12°F) above the 20th century average of 13.9°C (57.0°F)."

@mruler360: Why is it ok that an Apple phone can't get an upgrade, but it's not ok if an Android phone can't? Double standard much?

@Destronok: Technically there are already "white" holes. They don't necessarily involve matter and light, though. A simple example of what scientists call a "white hole" is when you turn on a faucet and let the water make a circle pattern as it hits the sink. The area inside the circle is the white hole, where

@cec: I think you mean "jumping the gun," not "jumping the shark," which has a completely different meaning.

I give it a year before this thing being abused by Las Vegas hotels.

@SteveJobsSexLife: You're probably the only one. It's a lot easier on most people's eyes, and on battery life for most types of screens.

I was fully expecting it to be overpriced to $25 or so.