
Let a Golden Retreiver transport the bones to a Lab for examination.

Was VW involved in any of the tests?

4000 year career? Needs to retire 

The equipment and tools stay at the shop. Why should the customer gave to pay for them

I wanted to have the spark plugs replaced in my 147000 mile Prius. I bought the car at a different dealership. The service writer told me that since he didnt gave the service records he would have to do all inspection again to bring the data up to date. COST $500.00 Spark plug replacement=$360. Total 860.00 for

WTH fell off the nose of that thing. looks like a road kill scoop!

What is meant by ‘drag’ ?

His financial resources are greater than his driving skills

If a person is too dense to read a dipstick, they should not be driving a car.

Gotnsny videos of other things she did while in college?

I don't believe you have driven in snow much

Spinning tires in snow can also cause ice to form under the tires

I saw a video of a VW Beetle pulling a 100 unit coal train with the trains brakes on.

It's not a hybrid. It's full electric

At least he doesn’t shit in the street like Dems do or wipe his ass with his bare left hand like  Dems Muslim buddies

The race sucked. Maybe Nascar could have secret places where oil would spurt on the track or maybe ball bearings. Yeah, that’d make for an interesting race. Nascar is dying and  is on life support. 

You mean surprised that the NYT which has been shiling for Hillary would publish an article in an attempt to distract attention from Hillaries follies? NO, I’m not surprised. Did you notice this occured in 1993 and the law was not changed until 2004? Do you know if Hillary paid taxes on the windfall cattle futures