This debutante debutcan't with you

I have three kids. The younger two are boys, age 9 and 5. My dog eats better, sleeps better, listens better, and smells better than both of them.

Can someone point to where in this comment I did anything but point out the irony of a man unilaterally defining what is or is not a legit gender issue? Where I defended the thesis of this blog post?

“gender bully” oh my pobrecito baby. How ever can you live when someone low key pushes back on your uninformed opinions in the comments online? I’m sorry that I couldn’t live up to your beautiful standards of pure reason and debate. At least you’ll have an example now when you and the boys start bitching about cunts

So you seriously think that women call everything sexist? Would you ever believe that women (not every woman, not every day) experience sexism in essentially everything? What level of everyday sexism is believable to you?

Does this really affect you that much that you need some anonymous stranger to defend their opinion to you in a comment section? Do you see me affirmatively defending this piece anywhere? Could you conceive that perhaps I don’t give a shit about “manthreading” or whatever the fuck she called it, but I wanted to push

Or maybe I have better things to do than hunt down citations for some backburner bullshitting in a fucking comment section? Do you not have a job, or are they chill with you spending hours hunting down footnotes for angry comments on gizmodo dot com?

Or, maybe, sexism is more pervasive than you realize! I don’t think calling someone sexist or saying a situation is sexist is a nuclear bomb. We’re stuck in some 50s whitewashing where we pretend that (sexism) never happens, but when it does happen it’s the most egrigious, horrific insult. Lots of things are kind of

Man tells woman what gender issues are worth addressing, claims to not be mansplaining.

Here’s the thing - that’s also not an OK thing to do. You are correct! We can both be correct! These things are not mutually exclusive! Groups of people can be assholes to other groups of people in different ways, but it’s still assholery!

That bit about Gen X pisses me right off. We were the VERY FIRST through the screw-you machine built by Boomer parents. Dragged up on no seat belts and sugar cereal, lied to that we were going to do better. I graduated with $40K in debt, too, but no one gave a damn 20 years ago. We got fucked first, and it was swept

But it’s not random black people condoning this, it’s Beyoncé, the artist, who is supporting this work at least implicitly by hosting it on a site she owns.

I mean seriously though? At the end of the day we’re talking about a highly produced, 3-minute music video that was churned out of a profit machine modernly designed to capture views, incite tween worship, and generate revenue for the ultra wealthy.

Isn’t this one of the sub-plots of Love Actually?

no Chick lit is chick lit. It's what you read on a damn beach, and all of her books qualify. Toni Morrison? Zadie Smith? Rice? Didion??? Not chick lit.

If you tell me that Pericles and Aspasia were just for publicity I will slap the taste out of your mouth.

thanks for giving us your perspective. i agree that prison is not rehabilitative, and the other points you make.

Right, because now that the new movie is out, nobody can watch the old ones or even remember them. Forever, people like us who grew up on the original Ghostbusters will be unable to recall anything about the franchise but the latest movie. This will taint all of our memories of growing up.