Pro Tip: Invest in Baskets

If you had done your comment research you would know that I am not a “he”. Whose being ignorant now?

Yes, I am this aloof in real life.

Ignorant about?

Nope.  The sky is blue, water is wet and you are a bigot troll. I stand by that.

Nothing wrong with doing a little comment research; I like to know I’m correct when I call out a bigot troll.

Let me guess, “likeable” means male. Or a more fuckable female, if they must.

So, I see that they are framing this as a way to keep military personal, who are stationed abroad, from having children abroad and staying abroad too long, therefor making those children “not American”. Which is gross on its own, but...

You use your thumb to hit the R key? WTF kind of keyboard do you use?

2,000... countRies?

“are unabashed rip-offs of some of the most popular film franchises of all time. (Indiana Jones, mostly, with just a hint of National Treasure and Tomb Raider thrown in there for fun.)“

That video was SUPER disappointing.

I read this as:

“I am not what you would call a handsome man.”

If we ever want to evolve as humans all the “humans” like you need to die off.

Having the largest number of people carrying rocks show up to your stoning does not make you well liked.

Did you just threaten to kill the President of the United States of America?!

Well, I bet Trump would really like you.

Your tactic of leaping on a minor word choice slip only reveals that you have no real defense to my statement. I think that means I win this useless internet argument. Go me!

I don’t think I said anything about your character at all.