I would say it would be nice if they added state flags to that list, but a shocking number of state flags have the confederate flag incorporated into them.
I would say it would be nice if they added state flags to that list, but a shocking number of state flags have the confederate flag incorporated into them.
I care. Maybe you don’t care because stupid is your thing, but a massive glaring flaw like that might keep me from watching a show I otherwise would have liked.
“In this town, all of the adults are dead, turned into desiccated corpses by a mysterious illness that only affects people over the age of 18.”
Fuck the government, every woman who is thinking about dating this guy should read this first.
I feel like, similar to school dress codes(a personal pet-peeve), any list of rules set out by a small group of people that will affect a larger group of people needs to state, explicitly, why each rule is in place.
A girl can dream.
Well, if Disney can get away with it, why not? :)
Someday, I will read an article about my home state and no one in the comments will mention Sarah Palin, but alas, that day is not today.
I’m a nearly 34 year old woman and I plan on watching Good Boys and laughing my ass off, if the trailer is any indication of the movie.
Looks like you are in need of a basket, Sir!
Don’t forget to stock up on baskets!
I know that now. Sorry.
“I cannot for the life of me understand why any politician would not propose that we...”
No, that was my bad. I guess they added the Instagram part later. It should be there now though.
Maybe “crazy” is an inaccurate term. But one does not need to be crazy to have mental and emotional issues. The person who wrote that manifesto was unhinged. Maybe he wasn’t rambling incoherently, but he was not an all-put-together man either.
Yes, he did sound crazy. The President sounds crazy. And I am not scapegoating “mental illness” as the big bad of this problem. This problem has many factors.
That explains why everyone is asking!