Alasdair Allan

Trying to make coherent sense of anything in this show seems to me to be a form of self abuse.

I'm guessing Poppy Drayton's sword was made out of aluminium or even a plastic. There's no other way she could have lifted it with her matchstick arms.

Hahahaha. Mine too.

This was a real let down in terms of a finale to the series (and realistically it is the last episode of Agent Carter).

This was almost certainly the best episode of he series but damn, it was still really, really bad.

Atwell classes things up. While her "two friends" dirty them back down.

The plot hole is not that Pike won. The hole is that someone who was arrested for Treason was able to get on the ballot in the first place. Not to mention that they were able to get on the ballot the day before the election as well, which is even more of a nonsense.

I'm thinking she is seeking a Doomsday Weapon to finish the job she started.

Wow. Another week, another Kyle review which seems completely detached from the reality of what is presented.

There is a lot still wrong with this episode, in fact the action scenes and humour were probably the worst of the season so far.

To be fair to the writers, if they didn't have her walk out they'd be facing criticism for being disrespectful to a female character.

It's hard to be sure which is killing LoT faster.

I think the writers were trying to be more subtle than they were capable of.

I actually suspect they did think about it and came to the conclusion it was much more fitting and empowering for the female character to physically walk out on the guy who let her down.

This was a truly phenomenal episode.

It's well done on the show and the creator of the language was interviewed and explained how he was extrapolating how slang terms today could form into a creole language in these circumstances.

Well its impossible to be sure what the writers intended for Bellamy as it's so badly written. "Massacre of the innocents" is often a motivation for characters without requiring Fridging or a Redshirt. To be honest, Gina was completely unnecessary to events.

Fortunately, in the Real World, there seems to be hard cap on support that Xenophobic agendas can attract, Hitler's best vote was 33%, Nigel Farage best vote around 32%, Geert Wilders can't quite reach 30% and Marine Le Pen barely scrapes past the mark. All of those in multi-party, PR elections. Trump can't win in

You could vote against the bogus congressmen and senators that won't legalise Sports Books.

So why do you want DFS to "go down in flames"? It seems bizarre that you can actually bet on Sport Books and want DFS to die rather than Sports Books to be legalised.