What kind of idiot...... ;)
What kind of idiot...... ;)
The tub was broken it’s a show-roller only - it cannot be repaired or ever raced or driven.
NO - they forced people to sign ACH auto-transfer forms in direct violation of every Fair Lending Act rule on the books and according to the various suits - triggered 7500 criminal complaints lodged by people ( by definition : working-poor , almost singularly) who were terrorized by being told " We're going to take…
This may be my favorite post of all time , in all places , since the invention of the internet. I just LOVE a perfect double-entendre :)
Because so many guys are insecure or know in their heart their woman is only with them because of their money or their social prominence or whatever. Any man who's comfortable in his OWN skin SHOULD just say "thanks I think so TOO !!" and move on. Such a terrible thing to say to someone " Oh your 43yr old wife mother…
my neighbors are and were cool see my other reply.it was 50 townspeople and professional activists who lived 8 and 12 miles away. It was all politics. The neighbors are cool. The wife is fuckin' HOT ! Thanks much :) We've been together 24 years and she's an amazing artist mother and wife. check out www.bisjoux.com her…
it was non-neighbors running for political office and control who wanted to use my approvals as a source of some kind of embarrassment to the "stupid republican farmers and their progeny" who still controlled the boards at the time. pure politics. We won in 2010 and last November my property manager was elected Town…
Thank G-d and thank you for writing this. You made me so happy ( you know already I am a 35yr RIDER way before the car shit) Facebook friend me and just add note Wilzig Hospital moto accident. I want to meet you at least virtually. SO COOL. So glad. Thanks much. alan@alanmoto.com
Alan WilzigUello-man
Alan WilzigUello-man
Sorry brother. We sold in 2004. My dad got terminal multiple myeloma in July 2000 and never returned to the bank. In those 4 years I doubled the size and THEN sold to North Fork a SUPER CLEAN bank that in between BUYING US and the deal being approved by both banks regulators ( different one was state one federally…
I'm sure if it's a bona - fide charity (which the NFL might likely want to vet given the Big Game) - Lamborghini paid for the lifting and display of the cars as a marketing expense / donation - in - kind ; and most likely doesn't draw a dollar from the Charity coffers. But I've never heard of this party or Org and so…
Thank you.
No we owned 44% of the company and WAREHOUSED our home loans NOT sold them. SO IF WE WROTE SHIT...no bank no money no racetrack. Plus I was OUT in 2003; closed-transaction in 04. THE SHIT got writ in 2005 worse in 06 - TOXIC JUNK in 07. My family started very poor. We never tried to allow a foreclosure. Only if people…
Entry fees ! The cost to run the season is 250-400K and top-3 teams spend closer to twice that. A fender is 20 grand. I race IMSA Lites. On a $135K Elan the fender is $1300 + $500 for the carbon fender louvers. I hit the T11 wall at COTA (brake failure) and it was $4k~ (but no suspension damage just splitter which is…
So they don't snap as fast when they let go. It's not about sheer performance it's about competition. these guys don't WANT to race faster than this or they'd fid a silimarly priced class that's faster cornering. or allows wider range of tire choices....