
I've been hoping for something like this for a long time, with a few small adjustments Red Son would make an excellent Superman film as well as breaking a bit of new ground in a very stale genre.

Primal Scream - Exterminator
MF Doom - Microwave Mayo
Kraftwerk - Elektro Kardiogramm
Goldfrapp - Lovely 2 C U
Beastie Boys - Root Down
DJ Shadow - Suicide Pact
NIN - Every Day Is Exactly The Same
Recoil feat. Douglas McCarthy - Faith Healer
Susanne Sundfor - Kamikaze
Moderat - Running
M83 - My Tears Are Becoming A Sea

I'm going to Italy for a week tomorrow, and will see Depeche Mode at the Stadio Olympico this Sunday!

Taking a break from fine-tuning my favorite characters in Injustice 2 by taking on Dark Souls III, the second Souls-game I've ever played (completed Bloodborne a year or so ago). The major difference so far is the shocking amount of stamina my knight has from the very beginning; I'm already performing series of rolls

I've been to Prague three times and had som wildly varying food experiences, but they've always nailed the sauerkraut like clockwork.

That's weird enough to indicate that she had a completely different interpretation of what she was doing. I'd give her a chance to explain before cutting off communication.

I believe doing straight up Marvel method is rare these days, but if you look at a script by Scott Snyder or Geoff Johns they're still pretty sparse in their descriptions.

From what I understand, stuff like that is considered poor form these days. Mainly because writers typically work on two or more titles every month and simply doesn't have the time to be super-detailed, but also because pencillers take it as an insult when they're micromanaged by people who often know jack shit about

His scripts really are the antithesis of the Marvel metod. Must have made quite a few pencillers mad back in the day.

I's there a way to customize your characters in Injustice 2 without getting stat benefits from the gear? I want to make my characters look snazzier without messing with the balance in offline play and PvP…

They both work very well with a mouse and keyboard, and are readily available on Steam (I think).

She sleepwalked through that whole movie, which makes it highly surprising that she's back for this one. New, juicy contract perhaps?

Being a fairly regular maker of this particular dish, I guess I'll have to get around to seeing that movie soon.

Just made a bunch of ratatouille, which I ate on toasted bread with halloumi cheese. It was OK, but I think I left it on the stove just a bit too long as the aubergine and zucchini were both a bit too mushy.

I wonder if simply having someone else play either Ray or Emmitt would have made those characters and their relationship more interesting? There's no real point to them being twins besides the sex tape scam, which probably should have been thrown out of the story anyway considering how it would have taken about 5

Some villains start out as exclusive to the hero they first thought, only to later branch out and become pretty much anyone's game. Solomon Grundy, Deathstroke, Gentleman Ghost, Cheshire…

Possibly. Still, I at least imagine that I wouldn't cross that line before having some fairly solid suspicions that my partner was actually a serial killer.

The amount of "busting" partners through various traps or snooping around in their diaries, e-mail, social media accounts and phones in this column never fails to surprise me. Am I some sort of saint for not ever having been even in the vicinity of doing that?

Reign of Fire is one of those movies that has "immense watchability" going for it. It's not a great film by any real standard, but I can't stop myself from seeing it all the way through it whenever I flip past it on TV.

I don't know enough about the current comics to have an opinion on what's going on there, but Hydra in that movie is a textbook goofy Saturday morning evil organization, complete with their own symbol, pew-pew laser rifles and endless faceless henchmen. It's probably for good reasons (avoiding legal trouble with