

So, would anyone like to spoil that apparent last page Iron Man reveal? /Mildly interested Alan


Full, almost brutal, disclosure; I'm not even 100 % sure I've seen Twins. And if I have, my memories of it are most likely highly scrambled with stuff from Junior.

Considering it's premise, it's kind of amazing how little time that movie spends on psychological hardships. Matt Damon is visibly uncomfortable for about 2 minutes of screen time, and that's including stuff like jokingly pointing out the smell of feces. The best scene in the whole movie does hint at the horrors of

Twins might not be the greatest film ever made (it's probably not even the greatest Hollywood comedy from 1988), but Danny De Vito pulling double duty as the titular characters never ceases to amaze me. Fantastic use of prosthetics, CGI and forced perspective.

AKA "not very smart".

Still slowly working my way through Return to Ithaca. It's good, but a really dense read. Also, I went to a book convention last weekend, and bought Command and Control (Schlosser), Perfidia (Ellroy), Rörelsen (a Lunar Park-style autobiography from the author of Let The Right One In), two massive collected edition of

Stone Roses - "Love Spreads"

I don't think it's that controversial, it's quite a divisive movie among fans and general moviegoers. The critics seemed to like it more unanimously though, and personally I'm on their side. There's A LOT of stuff crammed into the story and not all of it works splendidly on it's own, but the vast majority is pretty

Can't say I agree with the "A" rating here, this episode felt like it simply hammered in the show's usual formula with a slight change of bells and whistles to dress it with. I kept waiting for some sort of subversion, but it never came. A lot of hysterically funny stuff as usual, but the framework showed too much.

Mission Impossible (1996) -After having been left scratching my head over the critical success of the last two Mission Impossibles (disregarding Rogue Nation, which I haven't seen) and remembered the first one as a much better movie I decided to put my vague memories to the test, and I was right! The first MI movie is

- This is a stock exchange, there's no money here you can steal!
*Puts hand in front of mouth, talks in booming, bad British accent*
- Really? Then why are you people here?

For characters being idolized, they had some pretty horrible stuff happening to them throughout the seasons.

Apparently Matt Besser was in this episode as well, did anyone catch who/what he was voicing?

I'm in Europe.

Sicario - As something of an apologetic Denis Villeneuve fan (I think he does brilliant work in his chosen genre but tends to offset it a bit with tone deaf twists) I expected more of the same from Sicario, but was only half right. The twist is still there, but it's way toned down in comparison to Prisoners or


Doesn't he say that right in reference to a fist fight he just had?

24 Hour Party People is fantastic, lampshading generally sucks. If you have to point out that what you've written doesn't make sense or is stupid, maybe you should just write something else instead?