
Oh the ignorance of this model. At first I forgave her for wearing the suit because she doesn't know anything about where the suit shows homage to which was pretty understandable. Though when I saw her bust the robot while Justin Beiber is in the background I frigging lost it and turned off the program. This is the

It doesn't count as fair use because Victoria Secret made a profit out of the suit without compensating Gainax. Since they did not contact the copyright holders before marketing the suit in their event.

The Halo timeline wasn't confusing to me. Though the one event that seriously boggled my mind was in Halo 4 when it shows not only the Covenant still fighting humans, but the Elites fighting along with them even though they had agreed to aligned with the humans after the Covenant betrayed them and realizing their

Pictures 1 & 2 = Very cool

My ranking

Basically this only applies to content rented ONLY on Xbox Video and NOT content distributed through Netflix, Vudu, HBO Go, Amazon Instant, and every other video provider including future providers, other than the free TV episodes that they release for streaming I don't even use Xbox Video.

I'm going to have to either not go outside or be a real paranoid germaphobe in order to prevent being sick or getting injured in order to prevent any hospital or medicals bills which could get me in debt because of my lack of health insurance.

I'm as secure as I can possibly be with what's available. As I tend to be a bit paranoid online. So I try to make sure none of my accounts are easily broken by using with strong passwords and whenever a site offers two-factor security I'll use for sure especially if they offer notifications either by text or email

Anyone else feels like this "event" is how the American Pie webcam scene should have been like or just me.

Requiem is the best solution for iTunes DRM, it keeps the full video intact though you will have to double check just to make sure the DRM-free file works. Here's the official site ignore the google chrome warning, the site is safe just that because it's a "tor2web" website it'll give an error but it's safe

For YouTube videos you need to sign up for the HTML5 trial

Pirating software, movies, tv shows, and music is much more hassle-free as you know that if the file didn't work you could simply delete it and easily find a replacement. Though with software you'd have to find the serial #'s or a crack which would take a bit of time but it's still doable without much of a risk.

Twitter didn't even have an app it was more of a section in the dashboard as you didn't have to download anything. Also FB will not be completely removed from the Xbox as apps like Vevo, TMZ, the Sales app, Sony Pictures, and UFC app use FB implementation to share.

You took the words right out of my mouth. Though another reason for why I never even bother to download pirated games is because it involves modding my console and by doing that I've screwed up my warranty and if my console crashes I'd have to end up buying a new one rather than getting it repair for free.

Some anime and manga series have shown erections but because of censorship nosebleeds are the alternative to symbolize getting a "boner"

I don't think anyone expected anything else but that.

I just freaking hate it when Halloween is right around the corner. It gives excuses for girls to wear basically nothing and call it a "costume". Now for Yandy to add a video game section, is just horrible.

Isn't it used because you can't show a boner in anime.

Seriously I don't think anyone has their TVs that close, maybe with some cable extenders then yeah it'll make more sense but not that close.

It's been tested that the range of the signal of an Xbox controller and with a full battery pack, you can at least get a range 30ft (longest was 40 ft). If you have a bunch of wireless objects then it can mess up the signal but regardless the controller will work through the walls.