Alan Travis

Your concern for "gay" (sick) men is telling. It explains your pervasive anger, profanity, and hatred. You're utterly sick, and your only salvation is to renounce homosexuality, and hatred and seek the Kingdom of God.

"Answer not a fool according to his folly lest thou be like unto him." This quote from the Holy Bible addresses just about every vile remark from the haters here.

Atheists are absolutely POSITIVE there is no god.
Atheists lie that they will "believe" with "evidence."
Sorry. That's an absolute lie. You spin you way around any evidence.
Atheists are absolutely hateful, and malicious. Take Richard Dawkins, please.

No, vulgar one, it is NOT the atheist who will believe with "evidence." There is profound evidence of a Creator all around us. You choose to reject such evidence, and play god yourself.
You want no blame for anything you do, and pretend your values have some legitimacy. See A Matter of Gravity by Professor John

What a one-sided critique by someone who is no doubt an atheist and thinks Barack Obama is god incarnate.