
BIllions and billions of humans have nothing to do with or any connection to this writer’s sad racist projection that has no reference in their culture.

I don't bla m e people for wanting to come to the U.S. and have U.S. Taxpayers pay for their housing, food, healthcare, education ...after all they are just taking advantage of a sucker. I blame the suckers. 

GGawker is being sold as trash because it has no credibility as information ...I came to read about tech issues and get a ignorant propaganda ,anti-Trump, line espousing the absurd Trump- Putin politic.

Grindelwald also had the issue that the movie shifted from big CGI scenes to characters whispering the plot exposition in thick British accents so the audience went from being blown back in their seats to everyone whispering to ask what the actors just said.

It is not just can toxicity, notice this article begins with a totally non sequitur propaganda trashing of President Trump. That sets the time for just being a troll.

Last Jedi was bad because EVERYONE DIES, everything Jedi is trashed , and it makes no sense as a story . By the e n d, all that is left is a few pitiful survivors. Who cares what race, gender they are.? By the end of Last Jedi, you had to ask if the whole story is an ‘ unreliable narrator ‘ story in that if all the

Gawker, can you just stop the political propaganda. President Trump is doing great with the economy, managing world issues and getting better trade deals.

Ditch it all. Reboot with a new story mogul who actually likes the characters.

A space force will be all about manned presence back in space. The Air Force has a working space shuttle. NASA has become just a shadow when it comes to humans in s p ace so a Space Force can get real progress.

Oh, just stop whining. The world is fine and you will have a long life to whine about having more than any humans in history.

D oes it bother Gizmodo that so many posts have the nihilist,cheering the end of the world message? That is a direct result of all the indoctrination designed to get people to believe everything is hopeless so just vote Democrat. The Democrat party has just adopted this whining ,victim concept and here we are with all

Dark Matter , Dark energy, string theory ,multiverses are current theories developed mathematically and expanded over decades by large numbers of physicists .They all are felt to be supported by ‘elegant ‘mathematics but actual, real world experiment has failed 100% to find evidence of the reality of the theories.

Star Trek has written itself into a box. The story line set up with an alternate universe setting would have allowed a set of stories about exploration. Instead, the writers made a group of nihilistic stories that lead nowhere and left out the basic wonder of exploration.

It is not any crime to assert ownership in something you own. The court ruled Gilliam did not own the rights and intellectual property rights matter.

The issue with side effects, of medicines, movies or foods is numbers.With 320 million Americans, over a billion in China and India , etc, the idea of rare no longer mea n s ‘uncommon’. O.1% occurrence sounds rare but means if a theater holds 1000 people watching a film, then one of the watchers is having the side

Racism is just wrong no matter what race you are bigoted against.

President Trump is trying to put scrutiny in all these traditionally cost overrun programs. He renegotiated F35 and Air Force one costs and cancelled the pork of spending 40 million to rep!ace coolers in current Air Force Ones.

NASA is spending multiple billions in a capsule similar to one created in the 1960s . That is just incompetence.

The issue with building super ships today vs battleships of the 1940's go beyond armanent. The bizarre shipbuilding practice of the US navy is to build billion dollar ships with fantastic ,futuristic sensors and weapons, and then build the hulls with aluminum and NO ARMOR so they will get sunk by a tiny anti-ship

The article typically begins with an attack on President Trump. Sadly, even FoxTrotAlpha has degraded itself to propaganda.