They mean mouse shaped—as in Disney ...who bought and rebooted Star Wars.
They mean mouse shaped—as in Disney ...who bought and rebooted Star Wars.
Is it really necessary for Trendacosta to use such a phrase as “ eat a bag of dicks” and if that is acceptable language for a story about a family TV show, then how hypocritical to have the vapors over language Trump used 11 years ago. Let’s not have double standards of acceptability.
Universities are a 16th century creation that need to be totally re-invented in the 21st century.
Marijuana causes the Metabolic Syndrome with increased weight gain, increased blood sugar, increased lipids, and cardiovascular disease. Going to the gym high is counterproductive.
Popavich and Gawker people are horribly uninformed. Trump’s coalition is almost identical to the coalition that first elected Bill Clinton..and for the identical reason: “It’s the economy ,stupid”.
The astounding lack of insight with people on Gawker sites is sad. So many talk of intolerance while calling all who disagree stupid or ‘ist’.
Do all of you good little Democrats realize that what you are doing is calling all the working people of the Rust Belt—the people who have been the core of the Dem Party, you are calling all those core Dems racist and ‘ist’ ?
According to NPR fact checking—Hillary Clinton won the 2016 election in a landslide.
The Democrat Party is empty because Hillary wanted no competition and she actively crushed the Party for her benefit for decades. Hillary is corrupt—ironically, you fake-liberals are just recognizing what we independents have seen for 30 years—Hillary is a corrupting force.
No, no you do not.
Dumbfuckistan..? So, you use bigotry against people from the Near East —ironically, mostly Moslems, as your go-to insult of people? Oh, you fake-liberals are so lacking in self- reflection. Get a mirror.
What racist and sexist bigotry. You should be ashamed.
Bill Clinton is the one who sexually abused women.
GO TRUMP! We will not have a criminal as POTUS.
Yes-the Democrats soiled themselves in letting the Clintons destroy and corrupt the Party.
Wow—that is so bigoted of you.
Hillary and Bill are the racist , mysogenist criminals. That is who they are and have been for 0 years. They destroyed the Democrat Party with corruption. Lock Her Up! Then the Democrats can heal.
That is because you are a low information person. Hillary is the one famous for her temper and who as Sec State led the starting of a war in Lybia after she had voted as a senator for the war in Iraq. GO TRUMP!