
Two people starred your post, really? In Europe, they call American soccer football. American football is called American football. Baseball is baseball everywhere.

So 19 people starred chid's Anti-American comment. Sad. Chid, in American baseball, 6 out of 10 is hitting 0.600 , not -4. Perhaps Chid could understand cultural references before being a hater.

'The length of a movie should be limited by the capacity of the human bladder'- Alfred Hitchcock.

In the 1960's and 1970's , Hollywood made movies that shouted "people have sex". Putting sex openly on screen was totally new. People got jaded and Hollywood moved on. Since people have long ago accepted that sex exists on screen, it is just a part of that progression, not a fully new phenomenon, that all people have

Culture goes through cycles. When Last Tango came out , sex was all over the movie screen and violence was implied. Then, over the last 30 years, film has reversed...violence is all over and sex is in the shadows or implied. Personally, The commonplace and graphic violence is the true pornography. People having sex is

Actually, only a few percent of people in a modern military have anything to do with killing. Most military missions are as police or as a community builder. That is why there is so much PTSD among the few that actually are in combat. Even in the military, killing someone is a devastating act that few have to carry

The list of things Obama has ignored starts with the country in general and moves to particulars from there...really, other than golf, there is nothing Obama really spends time on.

Washington is a great example. Gruden wants to run his offensive which doesn't fit RG3. No one ever called RG3 unprepared before but calling him that is like a scarlet letter RG3 cannot defend . Gruden will be a failure because he manages by destroying and blaming which is guaranteed management failure in any

It is more about the coaching. Put Smith in New England or Seattle and Smith would be good. While quarterback is the most vital position, coaches do the worst job overall. Look at the Jets, the Redskins, Raiders, Cleveland who draft high picks and turn them into failures. Dilbert understands the

RACIST! The criminal who had just robbed a store and attacked a policeman got himself shot. There was no race issue- just a criminal meeting the end criminals face. Unless... you are somehow equating being a criminal with being black? No, being a criminal is what got the criminal killed. Jezebel is just patronizing

Why is anyone on the side of the criminal? The guy who got shot had just robbed a store, was apprehended, attacked the arresting policeman, and the criminal got shot. That is the story with all the overlay removed. The criminal should be no one's hero.

Please. There is nothing in those research papers that is a surprise if you have been around marijuana users. The research showed users are slow thinking, have poor cognition and get addicted. Is the idea that 'dope' users are slow and unmotivated really a question for you. Ever watch Cheech and Chong movies? No, the

Of course huge numbers of research papers show how marijuana harms users by damaging their brain and causing addiction just as there is huge research about the harm of gambling on individuals and families. The question is how much disfunction can a culture support ?

The truth is its own bonus point - Democrats will attack and destroy a woman just for getting in the way of their power politics...even if the woman is an innocent victim like Lowenski.

The Mayor and the City Attorney are Democrats. The County leadership is Democrat. Look it up. The Democrat leadership runs New Orleans and are responsible for not caring about crimes against women.

Here Jezebel is pointing out a city that ignores crime against women and IS RUN BY DEMOCRATS.. and people on Jezebel dont want to see that Democrats abusing women is a pattern and that by defending the Democrats, Jezebel and many on Jezebel continue to enable the Democrat abusers.

It is the Democrats who continue to put an admitted sexual harrasser of women out as an example and it is the Democrats who attack women viciously instead of supporting women of different ideas for being women leaders. Stop the DEMOCRATS Abuse of Women.

No surprise. New Orleans has a Democrat mayor and Democrats have been waging War on Women since Clinto sexually harrassed Lewinski just bto have fake- Feminists like Jezebel protect him and his anti Woman Democrat enablers. STOP the DEMOCRATS ANTI WOMAN ACTIVITIES!

Sad you dont keep up. Obama has publically stated he plans to rule by edict of executive order...would you be so blasé if it was a Republican POTUS declaring such an unconstitutional act?

Apostrophes ...I look forward to a world so civil that apostrophes can be the basis for future political debate.