Alan Passman

I like the idea of making X-23 the new Wolverine and bringing in Old Man Logan since the 616 Logan/Wolverine was killed off last year, but for my money, if they really wanted to appease 30-something fans like me and get down to the heart of which version of the team we want to see, then they just should've made


True, but they've already ran the risk of being pegged as cultural appropriators, which is pretty hot fodder for disdain on this here Internet.

Sure, but authenticity lends credibility, which can often add to a performance. This just seems crass on multiple levels.

My thinking is that if you're going to appropriate something stylistically then you might as well make it more believable, right? Just saying, Jared Leto is pretty white; I don't see him hanging out with the Mexican Mafia, garnering a nickname like Joker. Perhaps Guero, but I digress…

They are trying to tap into the culture of Mexican-American gangs. The Joker often pops up in the context of lowrider art (IE http://photopost.brownpride… ), but if that's what they were going for, then why not just be progressive enough to cast a Chicano? I mean, one of the most famous depictions of Joker on-screen

On the SIYL single, there is a really great version of "Speed Kills," which is totally different from the Machina 2 one.

"Ava Adore" has that kick-ass mini solo towards the end of the song. Anyway, I miss the days when it was a staple of rock radio.

He show have watched Chef before replying.

She was most likely up for the part of the waitress that Cap saves and talks him up at the end of the movie. The actress they did use (Ashley Johnson) looked Lohan-like in the film.