
Traded in all my old PS3 games, as well as my N64 collection and a $100 OG Nintendo Flinstones game and got Horizon Zero Dawn, Resident Evil 7, The Last Guardian and Mortal Kombat XL... so I will be alternating between those 4 on my 3 day weekend :) woot woot

MAN! Thanks for the timely reply, I’m glad you don’t have anything else going on in your life that you can stay glued to the Jezebel comment board anticipating our replies. You’re a real gem. Also, thanks for the name calling, I most certainly am “an ignorant buffoon who is emotionally and mentally incapable of

Personally, I find that your view towards civility during Trump’s administration is equal to normalizing this man and his policies, which I find unacceptable. I will always condone insulting the President of the United States as long as he continues down the path he is going with division and scare tactics, it is

First, we are talking about the man who began his political career denying the legitimacy and authenticity of our first elected black president’s administration and citizenship. Secondly, I have heard enough about Obama’s ears and nose, his supposed secret religions, and whatever else from now-Trump supporters, that

Cause Mariah don’t carry

Ah yes. I know all about the wind turbines in front of the garage at Eclipse Towers. Running into them and flung across the map. Cars exploding. Fun times.

I just wanted to let you know, I looked for 20 minutes a few days ago trying to find who this actress was, and thanks to you all I had to do is look up Laliari and find out her name is Missi Pyle! Thanks!

can’t believe he dogged her like that!

She looks so good and this was definitely a introspective moment.

You misspelled both of their last names 3 times in the paragraph above the video. I had to go back and reread the paragraphs in order to understand who exactly was being talked about. Who is your editor? Sheesh.