
True, but the porn seems unrelated to all her other damage, which is a step forward.

Hey! Margo Martindale won for Justified! And, quite by coincidence, I'm currently watching the ONE SCENE for which she garnered one of only two nominations this year for The Americans.

Today I saw a high school student wearing a tshirt that said, "I petted Li'l Sebastian at the Pawnee Harvest Festival". I gave her my best dorky-old-teacher high five right there in the hallway.

Heh. My miniscule claim to fame is that Mike Judge lived in my neighborhood when he started doing Beavis & Butt-head, and both it and King of the Hill are based on where I grew up, down to the guys hanging out in the alleys behind the houses. Yup, Richardson and Garland (Arlen) really are like that.

A drive-thru wouldn't make much difference. Every time I get takeout from Smashburger, it tastes a week old by the time I get home. And yet, for some reason I keep going back. Can't seem to learn my lesson.

Whataburger is expanding! Too slowly for me, though. They have a handful of locations in Alabama, but that doesn't do me much good here in Atlanta.

Indeed. I was only eight in 1983, so I didn't realize just how much happened that year. As for The Americans — I'm sure they'll at least mention RYAN and Able Archer, but I doubt they'll play as big of a plot role because most of Elizabeth and Phillip's spy work is with US-based operations. They talk about what's

I know that AVC doesn't usually edit (or even re-read) their articles, but I'm surprised they haven't fixed or footnoted that paragraph. It's a huge error, especially as one of the key arguments in the review.

I was surprised to learn that he's 34, just because I'd assumed he was ten years younger. Maybe it's the eyes. (And I say this as someone who passed 34 a while ago!)

I'm a high school teacher, and we have pre-planning meetings all week. (Yeah, I know, we go back to school early, but then we also end the year early — our last day was the Thursday before Memorial Day weekend.) Anyway, that sketch spread like wildfire through our district-wide meeting today. Maybe Key and Peele were

Edited because I shouldn't post during Sunday night insomnia.

Ah, Connor. Back then when we all loathed him, we never guessed that he would grow up and become Pete Campbell.

As much as I adore those two characters, I admit I'm glad that relationship is over. My first name is Margot, and, well, check my screeenname for the middle. Seeing people gleefully 'ship Margot/Alana has been really awkward!

I loved the Kerwin shout-out when Daniel tried to riff rhyming words with Melvin.

I still giggle at Will Tippin: Major Movie Star… and not in the same way I giggle at Andy Dwyer: Major Movie Star.

The prospect of Ann Coulter a heartbeat (sharkbite?) away from the presidency was far more terrifying than any aquatic creature.

Yup. That sounds about right.

I watched live so that I could participate in the tweet-storm… which ended up being a drizzle. Granted, I don't follow very many people (a few TV critics, some friends, and such) but my feed was fairly tepid throughout. And since 99% of the Sharknado fun is mocking it, tonight was a dud. I went into the kitchen to

Yup. And on the flipside — if they try to bring down Westnet through sabotage or even good ol' mudslinging, they'd likely be slapped with another lawsuit that Jacob and Westgroup know full well that Mutiny couldn't afford to fight.

I'd love to see a third season, but I'm not that hopeful now that AMC has renewed Turn. I suppose a lot will depend upon how well the spinoff of The Walking Dead does. (Though, hey, we didn't hear about the — quite unexpected as well — S2 renewal until several months after the season ended, if memory serves.)