
Just checked my listings, and the PBS channels here in Atlanta aren't even showing this until June 22 (typical of them). Do any of you know whether PBS's Roku channel will start streaming it before then? I am bored and need something new to watch, even if it's a mediocre Tennant miniseries.

I do think we were meant to believe that she was there for killing the rapist client; however, her lawyers might have been able to get her assigned to a minimum-security prison due to extenuating circumstances. If I remember correctly, we learned in 1.02 that she'd been in there for at least ten years, and until her

Yup. In one of the early S1 flashbacks, she mentions going to Smith College.

Yup. I'm a HS remedial reading teacher, and I had the same experience with the Hunger Games series. I was also surprised by how many boys liked the series. (Then again, one of them read it before the movies came out, and he assumed the narrator was a boy because, well, that was the "norm" for YA adventure books

Indeed. I think I said in Podmass comments a while back that Tracy and Holly are obviously very smart, but they're not that great at podcasting. Too many of their episodes come across like they're reading a (well-researched) script, with very little spontaneity or personality. I know that most of the HSW podcasts are

I really hope that some of that money from the study went toward Allison's arsenal of hand- and glue-guns.

That would be a great twist. I also noticed that when she and Gordon talked about the Symbonic(?), it sounded like she was quite actively involved in the project. Hopefully the four of them will form a team, and she'll serve as the voice of reason without necessarily being the shrill wife stereotype holding the guys

San Antonio is nice if you're there for a weekend visit. Living there, on the other hand….

I've lived in Atlanta for years, but I was born and raised in Dallas back in the '70s and '80s. I did love the passing shot of Centennial Liquors' neon Big Tex sign. On the other hand, most of the exterior shots feature tons of 50-foot pine trees that are not exactly a common feature of the Metroplex. Once AMC

I wish we'd gotten a hint of how Kate felt about what Jared did, or if she even knew.

Someone on Tumblr mentioned that in the last few episodes, the show
dispatched three significant female characters (Nina, Sandra, and Kate)
and Claudia's appearances will be sporadic at best. Plus, Martha remains
a wild card who can either continue her surprising longevity or be
killed in episode 3.01. One of the best

Good point. The show also opened a door this season by having several scenes taking place in Russia — specifically a Siberian outpost, right? So I suppose it's possible that Nina will be exiled next season and not six feet under. The showrunners seem to adore Mahendru (as well they should), so maybe they can find a

The women on this show are so goddamned badass that I wouldn't be at all surprised to see S3 open with a shot of Nina at a Vegas blackjack table, with a trail of KGB officers' dead bodies trailing behind her.

Your "insane theory" just made my eyebrows shoot up. That is… somewhat plausible. If nothing else, that hair of his has to be a wig.

I'm rather disappointed that Martha's section title did not include "Poor" in front of her name.

I'll agree that Jane might be gifted and need a different environment, but I'm not about to call the staff "lazy rude idiots" based on a speech told entirely from an 8/10-year-old's very subjective point-of-view.

Indeed. I've been teaching for 16 years and like to think I'm mature and "above" all the kids' ridiculousness, but I'd likely react the same way Jane's teacher did — especially the humiliation and having to hold my tongue and be the grownup. Yikes.

To be completely honest, my heart sank a bit when I read that "Elevator" will be six episodes long. It's marvelous filmmaking, but I'm just not into it at all on an emotional level, the way I usually am with this show. But hey, Louis CK has earned all of my trust, so I'll stick around and see where this goes!

Hey, any recommendations of podcast apps for iPhone? The latest update of their app is a royal pain in the ass — deleted half my saved podcasts, checks for new ones each time I open it (despite my setting it to "manual"), and takes forever to load.

Does Tatiana Maslany get hazard pay for eating that?