
Madison's horrified vomiting and exhilarated "that was AMAZING" pretty much captures my reaction to this episode. What a fantastic, absolutely riveting premiere! Very much looking forward to the rest of the season.

I don't think s2 will be available on Hulu while it's airing, but Lifetime usually has episodes available to stream on their site a day or two after broadcast.

I can't help thinking "Bach Manatee" every time I hear "Bachmanity" but yours is a much better pun. [tips cap]

Honorable mention: Dizzy-A Tangible Air Of Being So Over All Of This Juvenile Shit Already

Somehow I misread this as "my 3-year-old has a tattoo artist named Gunnar" and I had SO MANY QUESTIONS.

Alternate ending suggestion: Teddy wakes up in bed next to Rayna. "Honey, I had the strangest dream. Let me tell you about it…" [music swells]

You've just reminded me - that's sitting on my ipod right now! BRB just gonna listen to it on repeat for the next, oh, twelve hours.

that Cynthia Davis character would be too extreme for Fox News

Thanks, good to know! (I am neither a lawyer nor a reporter, obviously.)

But wouldn't that two-party consent only be necessary/relevant if this were a question of the recording being admissible as evidence in a court of law? This isn't law, this is the tech press. (And for that matter, given that she was present and the statements in question were made to her, the reporter's testimony in

women don't often lustily rip open men's shirts to reveal their chest hair and humiliate them in public

Also, Alison was putting stones into her pockets and walking into (onto) the (frozen) river, in another nod to Virginia Woolf.

I was crying at that, and then by the time the choir belted "Go forth! And get LAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIID!!!!!" I was cackling like an absolute loon.

Bigger COME AT ME BRO moment: Brienne's look to Davos, or the Night's King raising thousands of corpses at Hardhome? It's close, and Night's King gets points for flamboyance, but ultimately I have to give this one to Brienne.

Not sure if this came up a few episodes ago and I'm only noticing now - but goddamn if "Maleant" isn't THE BEST name for a soul-killing, faceless subterranean corporate behemoth, bar none. Two thumbs up; way up!

I need an explanation for the sunglasses Cookie was wearing in her first scene. Did the right lens… flip down? I rewound a few times but really I need, like, several alternate angles and a DVD commentary to understand what was happening.


or… EVERYTHING suddenly makes sense for the first time. [celestial fanfare]

Maybe they could just reuse some B-roll or spare GoT footage?

As soon as that "Better" montage started playing I KNEW Will was going to show up, and I was bracing for it but dammit I still teared up. Very effective button-pushing; I tip my hat to the show for that.