
Great channel, deserves the recognition!

Now playing

I’ve loved his channel since his “how to drive a manual” video way back in the day.

Doug is unwatchable. 

Aging wheels is fine, but I cannot stand Dough. His mannerisms are such that the cars should sue him for inappropriate touching. Also I cannot stand the over-the-top body language.

Doug is 1000x worse, sounds like a damn muppet.

Madman is selling Rob short.  He’s at minimum, a garbage bag full of nuts.

One of my absolute favorites.... From car stuff to battery tech, to woodworking. He mixes information and explanation with humor and open admittance of mistakes. I love when he does a project or gets a car, and admits that its a bad idea and he wouldn’t do it again.  

You guys really buried the lede on this one. The last line of the video is, “I don’t have any ideas; I’m a TV news anchor!”

Hopefully this doesn’t fuck up the future of an event designed to do genuine good for the community.

Once people realize it’s a mental health issue, not a gun issue.

Many years ago there was in article (likely on Gizmodo) about how a guy took a old school pushbutton desk phone apart, put in cellphone hardware, included some large “D” batteries so he could still ring the old school metal bells in the phone, and basically made it into a cellphone. He would go in somewhere and set it


This is amazing.  I love it!!  Perfect phone to give your kid! No dubious websites, no p0rn, no games or snapchat or anything!  Just calling!  No more family dinners with the kids all zombified watching screens. 

Justine’s site is great, a fun read all by itself, nevermind the phone project. Any woman who can get jazzed about a new oscilloscope is the bee’s knees in my book.

Still missing the most important aspect of the old rotary phones: Young people will never know the cathartic release of hanging up on an asshole by smashing unto the phone a receiver heavy enough to bash someone’s brains.

And that’s where it starts - we let you play snake, and next thing you know, Facebook takes it over.

What’s the British excuse?

Where as British Leyland released cars with the dipstick incorrectly marked out of sheer incompetence.

Not blaming WV just the people who say Hey I want that bring it here! or I’d buy one if they brought it over... When they actually are brought over, those people just vanish.

Let’s be real here, 8.8 seconds to 60 isn’t dangerously slow - shit, there’s Miatas slower than that. Granted, the naturally aspirated one is going to be quite a bit slower, but not dangerously slow (I mean, I learned to drive with 17.5 seconds to 60, THAT is dangerously slow, considering I’ve had to play chicken with