
Im so sorry. Im in a similar situation, it feels like and has always felt like utter unfairness towards me and my little sister, like we’re less, just the kids from the former “little nut” wife. Story of our lives, numerous and countless situations where they were favoured, attended to instead of us. Unforgivable. Rot

I remain optimistic that we are in the death throes of this pendulum shift towards the dark masculine and am ever hopeful that the rise of the feminine will bring this perverted and warped belief and behaviours into check.

My grandpa who was “inappropriate” with waitresses, who made inappropriate comments about my friends or even my own appearance at times - and this was covered up.

I’m so sorry. And I understand the dynamic you’re talking about all too well. My dad is leaving the kids from his first wife (me and a sibling) 10% in his will. The kids from his current wife get 40% each.

One of the things that keeps people silent is fear that the rest of the family will turn on them. Abusers pick their victims. It’s like some fucking radar.

Oh I’ve got to watch this then. That sounds so much like my mother who will never be responsible for her actions. She just shuts everything down and refuses self-reflection. Though she never engaged in anything close to this, she has done things that I struggle with to this day. Such as her obvious preference for my

I keep starting to watch this documentary and having to pause it because I don’t know if I can handle it. When my grandfather died, I found out only then that he had nearly been booted from the university where he taught over sexual harassment; they’d gone to my grandmother and told her to convince him to retire

This is my story, too, except instead of a grandfather it was my father who raped and sexualy molested his daughters, sons and any child who he could victimize including nieces, nephews and lord knows how many others. Yes, I was among the victims. My mother was aware he was doing it but because she herself was raped

It’s a hard watch, but a good one. It’s one of the only ones I’ve seen where the abuser is willing to be questioned... not that he has good answers though because he’s still a monster.

The mother really pissed me off towards the end. She was willing to take part in the documentary when her father was in the hot seat, but the second her daughters ask her about her decision to leave them in his care (as young children) she shuts them out with a “I’ve suffered enough, I don’t need this”.

It is an understatement to say this documentary is significantly disturbing—and not just because of what happened but also how everyone responds. It is fascinating to see how each family member (including the abuser) have found their own balancing point between denial and admittance. The grandfather disgusts me, but

Fucking hell.

As someone in the non-profit industry, those “formal pledges” have exactly as much legal weight as pinkie promises. You don’t send someone to collections for not donating to charity.

Probably not. The 777 is a pretty old, and very sound design. It came before the MBAs ruined Boeing.

Based on other info out there this is looking more like of a case of classic pilot error mixed with some face saving on their (the pilots) part.

Nah, I don’t buy this conspiracy theory shit. None of what I see in the video comes off as performance, and anyway why would they plan that of all things? How is it going to improve the viewership of a show already in progress? Smith and Rock somehow have a stake in how many people watch the Oscars? Smith would use

I don’t understand the decision to make Agnes basically a shut-in.  She’s worried about being on the outs with Mrs. Astor because it would interfere with her busy schedule of sitting in the parlor and being annoyed when anyone visits?

This show is a perfect counterpoint to the nerve-racking shows on my current watch list (Severance, The Maid). These sort of low-stakes shows seem to be filling the space that hangout shows like Friends or Seinfeld once occupied.

I’ve thought from the very first frame that Raikes stole whatever money Marian’s father left her.