
This is the time to explore what interests her., what makes her heart sing even if it has no practical application. She can worry about “what she’s going to do” and what fill in the blank office she’ll rust away in later. I’m sorry to sound so bitter, but this time will never come again. She will never be this free

The last big change is that I left a job that I was good at and knew exactly how to do for another that was brand new to me, though in the same general field. I also went from a small organization to a very large one. It was essentially like leaving Sterling Cooper & Partners for McCann. I sit in a big meeting in a

I’m still really hoping that its Bobby Flay re: January Jones.

Yes, let’s talk about how he doesn’t look like Brian May at all.

I am so emotional about this. Michelle’s work matters even though she didn’t live to see it pay off. 

Michelle would have continued to demonstrate kindness, grace, and class. I remember how kind they both were to Melania when Dump ditched her on Inauguration Day.

Doctors won’t do shit for perimenopause- unless you want to have babies. Then they will help you rack up a large bill for services health insurance doesn’t cover in an effort to start a pregnancy. But if you just feel terrible, they’ll tell you to meditate, exercise more, and lose weight. Has your thyroid function

I read it (library check-out) and it sucks. Total rush job.

Oh man. 2000 Civic CX Hatchback for me.

Some dude.

I have a bootleg as well, from fucking NAPSTER. That’s how old I am. It has a couple excellent songs. The rest are meh.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas Queen!

The bunny with the glasses and the “holy shit!” face is all of us.

I think Sarah Huckabee Sanders would pull a Weekend at Bernie’s if this actually happened.

This is quite common. I’ve gone through something similar and I can think off three friends off the top of my head who have as well. Basically if you’ve had sex with more than one person who has had sex with more than one person, you very likely have HPV. There are multiple high-risk strains as well. It’s always a

Wait until the stories about hospitals and medical clinics start coming out.

I gasped out loud when I read that.

You would think. There’s been the random bannings. And SNS itself, which is obviously driven by comments, has consistently been posted so late that it excludes most of the United States and Europe from realistically participating.

Yes. I think they don’t want an active or strong commentariat. I’ve also been coming here less.

I’m so sorry for your loss. If you’ll accept an internet hug from a stranger, I will give you one.