
I’m also in LA. I need to move to be closer to my new job and I just...can’t do it. I’ve been in my current place for five years and it’s a great situation. It’s not rent-controlled officially but it might as well be considering how below market it’s priced. I’ve had one rent increase (one year ago) and it was small.

In SoCal, the sky is the limit. I don’t think we are at the top of the market. Unless there is a massive economic disaster, it’s just going to keep going up and up. The people buying housing aren’t you or me; the majority of it is people who buy with cash as an investment, so it’s essentially corporations or

This isn’t LA. This is Rialto, a shithole 50 miles to the east of LA. No one calls this LA or refers to it as LA, except people who don’t live here. It’s the Inland Empire.

Shit yeah!

If anyone wants to roll around in a shitshow this weekend, the comments on the Gizmodo article about this are truly special.

Yes! I’ve had posts from a freaking week ago where friends are arguing with someone else’s friends about...whatever...and it’s THE TOP FUCKING POST over and over again. I hide them now, but I shouldn’t have to. Something from a week ago isn’t “most recent,” no matter if someone commented a minute ago.

You do realize the “rigging of the primaries so Bernie would lose” was a lie planted by the Russians. Read Mueller’s indictment and stop spreading the Russian lies.

“All the honeys will want to get with Special K tonight!”

Same. Just replace tornados with earthquakes.



No. I graduated high school the year after Columbine and never had an active shooter drill.

Don’t fool yourself, it was a “big thing” in porn before 50 Shades.

Seriously! The boobs are so desperate.

Dean will always be Johnny Gavin, Tommy’s cop brother on Rescue Me.

I love it. Nicole is fun and doesn’t take herself too seriously and I always love Jim Broadbent. I also think the versions Roxanne and The Show Must Go On are teh sex.

I wonder what woman is working like crazy to pay for the internet in order it support all the commentating they do...

YES! Also, I eat the entire pint. So I like Halo Top. Better that than 1200 calories of Ben and Jerry’s.

YOUR USER NAAAAAAAAAAME. I DIE. One of my favorite songs EVER.

To me, workout snack means “something that won’t regurgitate and/or give me heartburn” so when I see talk of seasoning and..PINEAPPLE?! I basically want to die. I eat plain non-fat greek yogurt.