
Well, that’s one thing Workshy Wills ISN’T shy about...

I hope those who choose not to cooperate get the chance to feel like a bad ass motherfucker in the afterlife because that’s an easy way to get yourself pumped full of lead.


Me too me too me too! When I saw her name, that’s the song that came to mind!

Wonder? It’s full of gross people, men especially. (I live in LA but do not work for the industry myself.)

“Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.” -Atwood

Wake me up when it is 45* himself.

I can’t blame the Mayor for trying to keep his city from being burned to the ground.

Look! It’s the photo Sean Spicer shows his barber!

I’m so sorry to hear this. My BFF’s mom went through something similar, though hers had already spread to her bones and lungs when it was found. I am telling you this because she lived for over five years post-diagnosis, and almost all of it with excellent quality of life. She was able to do everything she always did

The Ivy League echo chamber stokes this crap. It’s just one big circle jerk of “look how great/superior we are.”

Jez is too busy writing about how awful Halo Top is to cover a silly little mosque bombing.

Fat free dairy isn’t “fake food.” It’s still dairy.

THANK YOU. I lost 100 pounds because I am a major diabetes/heart disease risk. I love ice cream. But obviously can only have the “real” stuff in very limited quantities. For all the other times, I have Halo Top (or chocolate-peanut butter banana soft serve).

A) I just burst out laughing.

And that’s exactly why I don’t ask for help. I won’t make that mistake here ever again.

Thanks so much for taking the time to talk down to me. This was BEYOND helpful. I had NO IDEA I could look for a job or even -GASP- find a new doctor! WOW. Such insight.

It’s early evening here and I think I am going to bed.

That’s where I am. I’ve stopped reading Deep State Tweeter. I feel like, wow, I’m glad to hear that from your IC source but unless there’s some fucking action, so what?

So much winning!