Well, I hope you haven't been watching "Designated Survivor".
Well, I hope you haven't been watching "Designated Survivor".
Thanks. The text says "no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years…"
Yes, the only Scripture I can recall hearing is all Old Testament. Christ doesn't come into it. It'll probably never be clarified; and except for the religious catchphrases, the leaders don't seem to be interested in spirituality at all.
Where is this "2 year rule" you seem to be invoking stated?
I believe that a VP who takes over can run for two full terms after that. LBJ could have run in 1968, but chose not to.
All you do is state "it is offensive", without a shred of explanation. Anyway, everyone has a right to be offended for any or no reason. But if you are one of those insisting that the person who offended you should lose his job; must be marked as beyond the pale for the rest of his life, driven out of society; you do…
This plan to trade handmaids to Mexico— it makes we wonder at the weirdness of them all, not just the nutty Gileadites, ignoring the medical options.
If say 1% of women are fertile, why aren't they rounded up and given IVF, each pumping out triplets every year till they give out? It's quit possible for a woman to have…
100% agree with this. Maher was putting himself, and Sasse down. The word wasn't used as a "slur" on anyone else. At worst it was a clumsy adlib wordplay suggested by "working in the field".
Why is one reality "real" and the other "false"? The "real" one is just the one we saw first on the TV show. It wasn't the original timeline either, since Barry's mother was killed by a time traveller in that. We've never seen the orignal timeline actually.
So, Barry was losing his memory of another timeline, which made it reasonable to have his mother murdered? In other words, Barry is a sociopath.He'll destroy the world because of some feeling he has (as he almost did when he opened the wormhole that almost sucked the world in earlier).
Anyway, instead of shouting at…
As a committed Marxist who can probably quote Das Kapital chapter and verse, I think he's allowed.
So what? Phillip just misses a week until he gets a dupe of the new one made.
For God's sake, after Martha, and Nina, and then later tracking down "Clark's" and "William's" assumed identities, how could anyone in that office not at least consider checking out anyone of the opposite sex who came on to them? If Rene was Directorate S, she would be busted with a routine check. Once Stan had a…
But he is alone. No indication that Rebecca stayed around for long.
I thought it was one of those street corners where men waited for people to come by and offer them casual work. I expected Jimmy to be doing gardening for minimum wage, but it was actually worse.
If only. Philip wouldn't be a patsy for Putin.
And the death of Gaad — Stan would make that connection immediately he knew Philip was KGB.
Just misdirection—making us think that's what she was doing for a few seconds. After all, as she said, she can now sleep through the night without waking up in a sweat worrying about Pastor Tim and having to suck up to him day after day. She is feeling more optimistic.
"Soviet sleeper agents who could kill him…"
The Jennings aren't "sleepers". Sleepers are in place but INACTIVE, waiting until they are needed. The Jennings are "Illegals" (as opposed to agents with diplomatic status at the Rezidentura). Have been active from day 1.
Yeah (and how many times did they do that on 24?). But you can see what a short slippery slope you are on once you go along with that.