
The "first" time? How do you know that was the first time? We saw one version, it may have been the tenth or billionth iteration. The first time there must have been no Chronos. Somehow Mick ends up becoming Chronos and goes back. That's when the prohibition against crossing your own timeline should have come into

It's over 30 years since I've seen it, so it's not that clear in my mind. But I put those words in quotes as the real reason was she just hated him. Urquhart had been PM longer than Thatcher, a milestone he had wanted to beat, and she wanted to quit before any of his misdeeds caught up with him (as they are now with

Two Islamic converts kidnap three random people and the President is personally negotiating with them? The whole nation is watching this? When would that ever happen? Next week every nutcase with a cause will be doing the same.

The original. British series ended with the wife having him (the PM) assassinated to "preserve his legacy". With Claire as VP, she has a real motive, and his liver gives her the method. It would be a great ending, but it would be an ending of the series and I don't see Netflix wanting it to end, unless Spacey is

Howard could have left her in the basement if he wanted to. And I really doubt Schweikart is his buddy.

Schweikart is wooing Kim for his firm. How he would act as a boss surely won't be so genial. And we already know he has no compunctions about representing an immoral corporation that exploits the elderly. So Kim might not be such a good fit there after all. Not that I think there's any chance of that.

I was talking about self consistency in the world of the show. Rip said it was impossible, or disastrous.

Frank can destroy ICO if the plot called for it. Doing that to ISIS would be drifting from the real world.

Logic in science is deductions and conclusion based on agreed principles.
So what is your "scientific basis" for your statement?
Something close might be the Novikov self-consistency principle. However, this is disputed by other physicists.

The magical /religious ideas I specifically was referring to were those like "fate", "destiny" "it was meant to happen", or the same idea in scientific drag, like "Fixed Point in Time".
None of these ideas have any scientific basis. They're the same as saying "God willed it" when you come down to it.

You can be arsed to repeatedly call me names, though not to justify your position. The Donald Trump method of debate.

See my discussion of paradox below, dingus.

Did you reply to me accidentally? I never mentioned the word "paradox".

Sorry, that's total nonsense. But probably it's what the writers would say if they thought about it at all.

I was expecting them to get into deep shit when they were picnicking in the park together. Rousted by cops, or beaten up by rednecks. Sneered at/spat on by old ladies.

So, Rip kept saying they can't go back for redos of events they've lived through because of paradoxes, universe exploding, etc.
And now Mick can go back and forward, fighting with his earlier self. No problem.

She could do a season of voice work in a day at the studio.
Just have an audio stand in during the taping and she can loop it over in bulk.

Where's the apostrophe in "Worlds Finest"?
"World's" is the finest in the world.
Worlds' would be appropriate, as finest in more than one world.
But no apostrophe is meaningless illiteracy.

I'd recommend the opposite order: book then movie. Then the film just acts as illustrations to things you already understand. Except for the ending, which subverted the whole point Herbert was trying to make, that following Messiahs is a recipe for disaster.

Well, I think they're all very, very dumb. "Legends" currently is the most retarded. Arrow was much better till it started adding more and more superpowers, and supernatural events. But I'm still watching them all, though the ratio of time spent grinding my teeth at the stupidity to enjoying them is increasing.