
Aside from looking cool, the freeze/fire guns are less effective than plain old bullet shooting automatic weapons.

When he returns to normal size, Ray might have a milligramme of blood on him. Not buckets.

Because the show would be over. Rip could use his timeship to rescue his wife the day before she was killed, the go back to Egypt x000 BC and zap the meteor before it hit and prevent Savage, and the hawks becoming immortal.
The End.

What about the Carter who was already in 1975?

They don't have any logic at all. The whole mission is to kill Savage and prevent him conquering the world and killing Rip's family. Then Rip says you can't change an event you have participated in — because? This after we just saw the professor spend an hour with his younger self and screw up his timeline, before

Alpha particle detector?

Are there any trans characters? Well, there you go.

Except they do have choices. We saw Flash travel back in time a day and prevent some meta from destroying Central City with a tidal wave, as had happened the first time around, for instance.

Well, that's basically what happens in "Legends of Tomorrow".

Well, she was a lot less wooden than either of the hawks. And the black kid doesn't do much. .

Yeah, but that would leave him with a lifetime,and he might decide to take the world to hell with him. Or he'd work out what happened and then hunt down a time traveller (the DC universe is lousy with them) and find them. Flash can do it, Superman/girl, etc, etc.

"Learning about the mysterious black substance Isodyne is harnessing
power from isn’t as interesting as learning about Wilkes struggle as a
young black man trying to make his way out of the orange groves to a
better life"
Worthy, maybe. Interesting, no.

If he can change history then he can change history.
Aldus said Savage was responsible for World War I. He hasn't just been chilling out between killing the hawks. So if Savage was killed at any time, subsequent world history will be radically changed; for everyone.

Like one of the 206 times he killed the Hawks. Or the historic events shown in the dozens of photos the professor had of Savage.

And Aldus told them about exactly when and where Savage killed his parents —a "fleabag hotel in North Carolina". But instead of setting the Wayback for 50 years earlier and killing Savage there, they wander off to try to find him in 1975???

So Rip is trying to track down Savage at some time in history. Hasn't a clue where to look, asks a professor in 1975 who studied him to give him some clues.

Really? Hinted where?
By this idiot reviewer who got a half dozen basic facts about the episode wrong in his review?

I tried to be vague to avoid spoilers.
I've read the book, but over 40 years ago so the details aren't sharp. The alternate world in the book is not ours either.
Obviously the series is using it for inspiration, but diverging. Still, it's a lot closer to the book than almost any other PK Dick adaptation.

Well, we see a glimpse of what looks very much like our 1962 in the finale.
But it seems the films show many alternate worlds. Obviously the one in this episode is a different one, but the Nazis also won.

Probably a few hours, maybe days. Vacuum is insulation You just slowly lose heat from radiation.