
They should be more outraged that an illegal immigrant is not only working on earth, but it's employing people too… and not paying tax.

A white CIS male? You should get a doctor to check that out for you.

UK News: "BBC Considering Waller-Bridge for new Who"

If we see a flashforward of, say, 70 years during the show… does that mean that all of the characters are dead for betting purposes too? #TimeyWimeyQuestions

I suspect – due to the very abrupt cutting away from the prophecy scene – that they did film the extra bit about valonqar, but it was edited out of the final broadcast version. There could be many reasons for this, but I suspect that either (1) They wanted to focus on Cersei losing her children and her throne first

There is no such prophecy in the TV canon.

I think Jamie and Cersei are almost certainly going to die together, very likely at Jamie's hand when Cersei continues her epic descent into madness (and the major twist will be that the Iron Throne is actually made out of lead, and it's what's driving all the rulers insane).

I think they're going to merge her back in the other Starks fairly quickly.

Evil genius > Evil idiot.

I can see both of them dying, but not until the series finale… both of them are akin to Robert Baratheon… great at war, terrible at ruling.

Especially that greedy bitch who likes to stab people in the face from behind.

His entire role in the plot is to find out some amazing information about the White Walkers which will enable their defeat… and then get killed precisely 3 seconds before he's able to tell anyone important about it.

Whence = a direction; cometh = singular; they = plural… you just basically asked 'From where they comes?'

I think that's just an effect of the narrative shift that's coming from intra-national squabbles to the living vs the dead war. You can't have too many pieces on the board if you're planning to unite all the various kingdoms against a common enemy.

It's still not a very stable system since it relies on the claim to the throne being passed through birthright (a system which inherently carries the risk of frequent Joffreys). In the show's universe, the best outcome would probably be some kind of council based on the co-rule of everyone with a claim to the various

I'd be pretty interested in a storyline which saw Dany turning her back on power and finding something else to do with her life. Most of her arcs have been geared around the fact that she's not a great ruler, so maybe her final outcome is her realising her 'it's my destiny' line is a load of crap.

The best they could hope for is a landowning democracy… I can't think of any systems which went from dictator/monarchy to universal suffrage in one step.

Decent healthcare too. Dying from cancer? Here, have a free decapitation and resurrection.

I'm putting my money on Sansa and Tyrion co-ruling when the credits roll.

I doubt Jon's going anywhere in the near future for the simple reason that he's the only leader on the board trying to unite humankind against the White Walkers. Everyone else is fixated on conquering and solidifying their power base, but he's the only one trying to drum up some kind of global army.