
Really? Sandy made it all the way to England? After all, you using the world “spoilt” shows you must be from there. So I had no idea it went all the way across the Atlantic.

Our LARDER? Are we in the 1950s, or maybe Flash Gordon? I mean...I know you are older than most worthless bloggers..but remember that blogging is generally for people UNDER 60. So maybe contemporize your vocabulary.

Why would anyone follow a brand? Wow. You are living your life wrong if you follow a COMPANY on Twitter.

Go to any country that speaks a differnet language. Don’t even try to learn iut. See if you get a job there. Guiess what? You won’t get the job. will not be allowed to stay in the country. So..complain all you want. But realize that you have NO IDEA what you are talking about. Which is fine. Because nobody

To anyone whining about what she said..try going to ANY foreign country in the world, not even try to learn how to speak the language, and then getting a job where you have to talk to local customers. Guess what? IT WON’T HAPEN!

Then again, you also wouldn’t be allowed ot STAY in most countries. Canada won’t let you

The gist of what she said is absoltuely true. If you expect to have a job where you have to act with people in the United States...INthe United States, then you should speak English. Don’t expect 300 million people to cqater to YOU. Even CHILDREN can learn enough of a new language to get by within a few MONTHS when

Or...walking around inside homes when any color. But the race card. The most powerful tool when you are uneducated and stupid.

You scold people who don’t know how to use the self checkout for taking too much time...and then you tell people to sit there with hundreds of coins?

I have never once been to a supermarket that has marked items down during the middle of a week, or a sales period. Bread, etc. might be marked down...based on the TIME OF DAY...not day of the week. You might find soon to be expired meats marked down depending ont he day...but it is not a middle of the week thing since

and most never made to to your local theater. IT doesn’t matter how many were produced if your town had just 2 theaters and Gone With the Wind stayed in one for over a year.

Also ignornace. The movie industry hasn’t lost customers. IT is simply spreading them out among far more choices. Again...Movies like Gone With the Wind stayed in theaters for OVER A YEAR. Because a town might get 5-10 movies for an ENTIRE YEAR. Of course they were going to sell more tickets each.

But that is because you are simple minded. It would be monumentally unfair to compare am modern movie to one from the early 20th century...or even though the early 80s. Actually, comparing a new movie to a movie from the mid 2000s would still be unfair.

If Gone With the Wind came out today, it wouldn’t even make $50

This metric is just as arbitrary and stupid as any other. You are assuming that if a studio can make $50 million for a $10 million budget movie, than they would be upset unless than made $750 million on a $150 million blockbuster. That is not the case. Once they are in profit, a studio doesn’t care about how many more people REALLY beleive that a professional would jsut throw in causal “fuck” and goddamn” like he is a giggling junior high school student? Hey look at me! I cursed! I’m so cool!

How are they cool for being too stupid to realize that Disney is not the final word on stories that THEY DIDN’T WRITE? The sad part is, I truly think these pathetic post millennial idiots think that Disney wrote the play.

WHY should it be played the same way Disney did it? Since when does Disney get to decide everything from then on? This is not a remake of the Disney movie.

These idiots DO realie that The Hunchback of Notre Dame was not WRITEN by Disney, right?

So, any time any remake has a black person in the role, it must ALWAYS be a black person in every other remake of it?

There is no pay gap. Just women who don’t demand money when they have the movie studio over a barrel. If Mark Wahlberg had said “I’d do it for free” too, they wouldn’t have paid him $1.5 million just for the hell of it.

Tehre is no pay gap. Just women who don’t demand money when they have the movie studio over a barrel. If Mark Wahlberg had said “I’d do it for free” too, they wouldn’t have paid him $1.5 million just for the hell of it.

This is sadly what happens to sexual abuse victims. They become very skanky because they think that their body is all they have to offer others. I dated a woman who was abused by her friend’s step father at a high school party. And she cried when I didn’t try to sleep with her on our first date. She truly felt that