alakawaka is that NOT yet another failure of Cuomo?

This many has repeatedly pointed out that the decison to shut down or reopen a state is the governors...not the President. And HIS state is the epicenter of the world. By an extremely large margin. Mostly because while President TRump was trying to prevent the virus

Yes, idiot..the driver IS the bad guy for throwing a package on a dog. They make very good money for doing a job that could be done by literally EVERY SINGLE PERSON over 16 with a driver’s license.

She doesn’t remember too well. In January of 2008, the economy was still going strong.

This isn’t over! We are taking this to a court HIGHER than the Supreme Court! keep telling yourself that. Anything to help you stave off taking your own life for one day longer. racist this article is. Suggesting that neighborhoods determine race? Not in this day and age.

Ahhh..just when you think you might be reading a professional blog, the “writer” goes and htinks it would sound hilarious to use a word like “fuckery” and then wonder why he sis stuck merely supplementing his welfare checks with writing for a website that is near bankrupt.

What does his race have to do with this? Oh. That’s right. Nothing. It is just that when you are uneducated and “writing” for a blog that has never turned a profit (in other words, only a fraction of a step above your welfare parents) you have to play the race card to combat your lack of intelligence really didn’t get much education, did you? I guess being a blogger on a site that is bankrupt doesn’t require much.

Recognized by whom? Some bad blogger?

YEah...she’ll learn...that most of the world CAN’T STAND pie face.

Ummmm...deadspin...the “Nobody’s watching” comment was in reference to it being on Bleacher Report. Pretty obviously. HE was saying that whatever he sad against he AAF that was inaudible was no big deal since nobody heard it anyway since it is on Bleacher Report.

What the hell? You are playing the race card in a very POSITIVE article? Wow.

By the you really think that the bat flipper are doing it out of FUN? naive. They are doing it to get on ESPN...even though no one has watched Sportscenter in close to two decades.

Yeah! Because you can’t enjoy yourself without being classless! Your parents failed you miserably. And now they are paying for it every since day you are still alive.

Her next routine should be to I Believe I Can Fly. After all, she already went viral for dancing to ONE pedophile. Or...if you are living in denial, let’s just go with what he ADMITTED to doing since he doesn’t see anything wrong with it...sleeping in the same bed at little boys that he is not related to. (I guess the

So...she was above teh age of consent in the state. What is hte big deal? And if you say “It is still creepy.” Fine. But then so would it be if she were a few months older and had turned 18.

Wow...posting their PR spin as an article now? How much did they pay you? That is the dumbest made up excuse ever. As if they can see how many of every item you have to be able to check that quickly.

EVerything about the “reasons” is a load of crap. First off...I have had one process crash...or I have tested it by closing one process..and guess what? THE WHOLE PAGE CRASHES! Sometimes the entire browser! So splitting it up is absurd. So there is NO god reason for me to open Chrome fresh, to a page that is mostly

If your closed refrigerator can’t keep things safe for more than 4 hours (meaning it can’t keep things under 40 for even two hours) then you either need to set your refrigerator lower to start, or you need a new refrigerator. In that case, go get a damn Yeti cooler or even a knockoff. And fill it with contained of ice