
Yeah. There was nothing offensive about the Asian accents. Unless you have ears for language you're going to sound funny when speaking a different one. It makes sense that these workers would have accents. They're not native speakers. It's not like they're supposed to be American Born Chinese or anything; THEY'RE

Yeah. There was nothing offensive about the Asian accents. Unless you have ears for language you're going to sound funny when speaking a different one. It makes sense that these workers would have accents. They're not native speakers. It's not like they're supposed to be American Born Chinese or anything; THEY'RE

The fact that he oogles his mother takes me out of the show too.

The fact that he oogles his mother takes me out of the show too.

The 90s-era production also made me laugh. Those black & white shaky cam side views at 15FPS were too much.

The 90s-era production also made me laugh. Those black & white shaky cam side views at 15FPS were too much.

They both have strange noses but the girl with pignose stands out the most.

They both have strange noses but the girl with pignose stands out the most.

It's assholes like you that keep that stupid tradition alive.

It's assholes like you that keep that stupid tradition alive.

I don't like when writers put cartoony lines in shows like this like about the fact that Sheldon can't float and he'd drown in a bathtub. That's totally bullshit and it takes me out of the show.

I don't like when writers put cartoony lines in shows like this like about the fact that Sheldon can't float and he'd drown in a bathtub. That's totally bullshit and it takes me out of the show.

Is Seth Canadian? *goes on wikipedia* Ah, his mother taught French. I had a feeling he was laughing at Kenan's shitty French. Kinda makes the sketch funnier now. Ha ha!

Is Seth Canadian? *goes on wikipedia* Ah, his mother taught French. I had a feeling he was laughing at Kenan's shitty French. Kinda makes the sketch funnier now. Ha ha!

I think he is though!

I think he is though!

Oh I see.

Oh I see.

Because he writes every line?

Because he writes every line?