
Obviously I still find it funny.

Obviously I still find it funny.



Everyone's so obtuse about that commercial?

Everyone's so obtuse about that commercial?

Being at a loss for words in a LIVE broadcast about a topic she's probably not that familiar with doesn't make her a dummy, dummy.

Being at a loss for words in a LIVE broadcast about a topic she's probably not that familiar with doesn't make her a dummy, dummy.

I look forward to everybody enjoying the trailer and then groaning when "FROM THE MIND OF M. KNIGHT SHAMALAMADINGDONG" crawls onscreen.

I look forward to everybody enjoying the trailer and then groaning when "FROM THE MIND OF M. KNIGHT SHAMALAMADINGDONG" crawls onscreen.

Cow & Chicken is too new. You were born 100 years too late.

Cow & Chicken is too new. You were born 100 years too late.

What a noob.

What a noob.

Oliver Sava should probably shut the fuck in trying to give fashion advice to the always impeccable Cat Deeley.

Oliver Sava should probably shut the fuck in trying to give fashion advice to the always impeccable Cat Deeley.

His routine was so boring.

His routine was so boring.

Bronies and Sonic fans are also a thing of you're looking to hate on a fandom.

Bronies and Sonic fans are also a thing of you're looking to hate on a fandom.