
Cool Hand Luke already tells you more about the story than fucking John Carter. And anyway, bad example. It wasn't just the name, the crux of the matter is the shitty advertising that went along with it. The advertising that told us NOTHING and assumed we already knew the backstory. Like, what the FUCK?

I personally hated their approach to advertising. It felt like the commercials assumed I already knew who or what JOHN CARTER was. There's was no explanation, just a name. I assumed it was a movie version of something they show on the Disney channel and figured they had such a big built-in audience they didn't care

"It sounds like that IS the sitcom."

Or don't sub at all.

The fact that you have to consult a website to find out if you're racist speaks volumes.

It's in the lyrics. She can repeat them. Doesn't matter if she's white or brown. It's not racism.

I didn't know these episode commentaries could be FUNNY! @avclub-784d0ea957f787b61c8256ee38c643cc:disqus , you're on my radar now. I look forward to more witty insight and word pictures. My favorites was the way you described Trump's hair and Lou's potential exit from the show. Bravo!

@avclub-19db33a7920e55ba3a32ab69d87f65b8:disqus Because you're with her 24 hours a day as opposed to (fractions of) 22 minutes once a week. Right. That makes sense.

Yeah, it seems like they make everyone in Hollywood blockbusters run that way.

@avclub-13d7df3c17502af69aafccc758195f96:disqus It sounds depressing—on paper.

It was the same lawn. I was thinking maybe the lighting was an issue or something so they decided to shoot some b-roll and have her talk over it in the studio. I dunno it was pretty bad though.

I've made a huge mistake.

That's the joke.

Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed that terrible green screen. Ugh.

I gave up when I saw the commercials.

@whataworkout:disqus Or being born at all?

Jeff has to twist the knife.

Thank you kind soul for sorting by 'newest first'.

Yeah, fuck Spongebob.

@avclub-19db33a7920e55ba3a32ab69d87f65b8:disqus You and the world in general. Autism is still the sexy new ailment people like to diagnose others (and themselves!) with. Before that it was A.D.D. And before that? I dunno, let's go with dyslexia. Remember when it was dyslexia? Man, it was dyslexia for a LONG time.